²»ºÃÒâ˼ͼƬûÏÔʾ³öÀ´£¡ ÈçÉÏÃæÎÒдµÄ select sum(getintegral)over(parition by 1 order by getintegral)from ±í ºÃÏñ²»ÐÐŶ ȷʵÓÒÀ¨ºÅ ÎÒÒªµÃµ½µÄÊÇ ºÜ¶àÌõ¼Ç¼ ¶ø²»ÊÇÒ»Ìõ ûÌõ¼Ç¼µÄ getintegral RemainIntegral µÄÖµ ÈçÉÏÃæÎÒËù˵µÄ SQL code: with t as ( select 16 a from dual union all select 18 from dual union all select 19 from dual ) select a, sum(a)over(partition by 1 order by a) b from t
with t as ( select 16 a from dual union all select 18 from dual union all select 19 from dual ) select a, sum(a)over(partition by 1 order by a) b from t