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ÒýÓÃһϿñÀ˵ģ¬¸ÄÒ»ÏÂ: delete from table1 t where exists( select 1 from tmp where a=t.b and b=t.a and a<t.a) and rownum=1 ¼Ó¸öÕâ¸ö ¾ÍÑ¡³öÒ»ÌõÁË,
¸ù¾ÝÎÊÌâÃèÊö£¬È¥µôÈÎÒâÒ»ÐеĻ°£¬delete from tb where rownum=1; ¾ÍºÃÁË¡£
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ϸöOracle for vista °æ±¾µÄ°²×°ÊÔÊÔ 10GºÍ11GµÄ http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/database/index.html ------------------------------------------- ......
oracle 11g °²×° 01092 ´íÎó, ÈÕÖ¾ÐÅÏ¢£º [oracle@linux trace]$ vi alert_orcl.log MMON started with pid=14, OS id=9089 RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 522752 Errors in file / ......