

我们组要招一个Linux研发工程师,要我去做技术面试, 准备了一小时,列出了下面这些问题,大家觉得如何? 招的人税前年薪12W以上。题会不会基础了一点?

Network Theory
1. What is OSI 7 layer network model?  How do you think about it?
2. When your computer send out a package, how this package been sent to destination in internet?
3. Many years ago, many people think IP address will be run out of soon, but now we continue use IPV4, what is the technology been selected to resolve this problem.
4. What is IGMP?

OS Theory
1. What’s process and what’s thread? compare it.
2. What’s the memory protected-mode and real-address mode? Why all PC OS use protected-mode, but many real-time OS use real-address mode?
3. Please describe OS how to schedule all task?
4. Please provide some IPC method that OS provide to application. Describe your philosophy to select a specific IPC.
5. What’s watch dog theory?
6. What is the COW technology in Linux?
Linux Base Programming
1. What’s a signal safe function? What’s a thread safe function? What’s the difference between signal safe function and thread safe function? Please provide some example?
2. When I type a command on shell as below, please describe shell’s potential action. Please describe in C language.
# ls
# ls &
# ls | sort
3. What’s Zombie process, what’s orphan process? What’s daemon


linux gcc OCI 编译问题

请高手指教! ......


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      编写程序打印出如 ......

linux 清理缓存问题。

#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "netdb.h"
#include "sys/types.h"
#i ......


#include  <iostream> 
#include  <stdio.h> 
using  namespace  ......
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