不行啊 必须是用vb作 Private Sub Command1_Click() Form1.Scale (-100, 100)-(100, -100) Dim i As Integer, p(4, 1) As Integer For i = 0 To 4 p(i, 0) = 80 * Cos((90 + i * 144) / 180 * 3.141592653) p(i, 1) = 80 * Sin((90 + i * 144) / 180 * 3.141592653) Next Form1.CurrentX = p(4, 0) Form1.CurrentY = p(4, 1) For i = 0 To 4 Form1.Line -(p(i, 0), p(i, 1)) Next End Sub 五角星画好了 可是我不会填充颜色哦 大胡子哥哥你帮帮我把
请教一下:我用vb写了一个调用Illustrator的测试程序,代码很简单:Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim app As New Illustrator.Application Dim doc As Illustrator.Document Dim thislayer As Illustrator.Layer ......