FileName = App.Path & "\" & FileName ' Set the object variable to refer to the file you want to use. Dim excelObj As Object Set excelObj = GetObject(FileName) ' Show Excel through its Application property. excelObj.Application.Visible = True ' Show the window containing the file. Dim winCount As Integer 'winCount = excelObj.Parent.Windows.Count() 'excelObj.Parent.Windows(winCount).Visible = True Set connectXls = excelObj.WORKSHEETS(ShtName) Set excelObj = Nothing End Function
'' Public Function funOpenExcelFile(ByRef xlsApp As Excel.Application, _ ByRef xlsWork As Excel.Workbook, _ ByRef xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet, _ ByVal strExcelFile As String, _ ByVal strSheetName As String, _ ByVal strPWD As String, _
ÎÒÔÚÀàÖÐÓÐÒ»¸öº¯Êý Public Function DownloadAdditionalSite(SiteName As siteconfig, Directory As String, ymd As String) As Boolean siteconfigÊÇÎÒ×Ô¶¨ÒåÀàÐ͵ÄÊý¾Ý£¬ÎªÊ²Ã´»áÌáʾ¡°Ö»ÓÐÔÚ¹«¹²¶ÔÏóÄ£¿éÖж ......