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VB 使用C语言Escape的方法

ChrW(&H4E2D) & ChrW(&H56FD) & ChrW(&H4E00) & ChrW(&H5B9A) & ChrW(&H5F3A)
    Public Function EscToStr(ByVal c As String) As String
        Dim tmp, str1, str2, str3, str4 As String
        Dim i, outend1, outend2 As Integer
        i = 1
        outend1 = 1
        Do While outend1 <> 0

VB 使用C语言Escape的方法

ChrW(&H4E2D) & ChrW(&H56FD) & ChrW(&H4E00) & ChrW(&H5B9A) & ChrW(&H5F3A)
    Public Function EscToStr(ByVal c As String) As String
        Dim tmp, str1, str2, str3, str4 As String
        Dim i, outend1, outend2 As Integer
        i = 1
        outend1 = 1
        Do While outend1 <> 0

c#与最牛vb算法比拼 by Error

文章来源: http://www.zoesan.com By Error 302777528转载请注明出处
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpyW" (lpszString1 As Any, lpszString2 As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function lstrlen Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal lpszString As Long) As Long
Public Function FindTextInStr(ByVal OriStr As String, ByVal strText As String) As Long
Dim Buff() As Byte   '声明一个Byte数组
Dim Pointer As Long  '声明一个变量,用于存储指针
Pointer = StrPtr("Love")
ReDim Buff(0 To lstrlen(Pointer) * 2 - 1) As Byte  '分配缓存大小,由于得到的是Unicode,所以乘以2
lstrcpy Buff(0), ByVal Pointer   '复制到缓存Buff中
' Me.Caption = InStr(1, Buff, StrConv("o", vbfromUnicod ......

c#与最牛vb算法比拼 by Error

文章来源: http://www.zoesan.com By Error 302777528转载请注明出处
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpyW" (lpszString1 As Any, lpszString2 As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function lstrlen Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal lpszString As Long) As Long
Public Function FindTextInStr(ByVal OriStr As String, ByVal strText As String) As Long
Dim Buff() As Byte   '声明一个Byte数组
Dim Pointer As Long  '声明一个变量,用于存储指针
Pointer = StrPtr("Love")
ReDim Buff(0 To lstrlen(Pointer) * 2 - 1) As Byte  '分配缓存大小,由于得到的是Unicode,所以乘以2
lstrcpy Buff(0), ByVal Pointer   '复制到缓存Buff中
' Me.Caption = InStr(1, Buff, StrConv("o", vbfromUnicod ......

VB调用VC DLL 约定错误,求高手指点

VC函数是:extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport)PassPortRead(char *InPutData,char OuPutData[255]);
VB声明是:Private Declare Function PassPortRead Lib "PPRead.dll" (ByVal InPutData As String, ByVal OutPutData As String) As Integer
int PassPortRead(char *InPutData,char OutPutData[255])
 char tmp[255];
 int len = 0;
 len = strlen(InPutData);
 if (len == 0)
  return -1;
 } ......


1 接口
1.1 GrabProxy 取词代理对象
Function AdviseGrab(XDictGrabSink As IXDictGrabSink) As Long
广播一个XDictGrabSink(如果要实现取词功能,你需要自己来实现这个接口,具体的方法后面会有介绍。(Visual Basic的示例,使用其他语言类似)) 接口,在需要取词的时候会调用XDictGrabSink的QueryWord方法,你可以在这里实现你需要的功能。
Property GrabEnabled As Boolean
Property GrabMode As XDictGrabModeEnum
Property GrabFlag As XDictGrabFlagEnum
Property GrabSystemCP As Long
Sub GrabWord(lCursorX As Long, lCursorY As Long)
Sub UnadviseGrab(lCookie As Long)
Property XDictGrabPlugins As ......

VB.NET/C# and JavaScript communication

This article is about passing data between VB.NET/C# WinForms and JavaScript.
Before reading further, let me warn you that this article is not about ASP.NET. Concepts covered in the article are applied to Desktop applications.
I was working on a project which required data transfer between my VB.NET WinForms application and the JavaScript (inside an HTML page). Along the way, I hit certain problems, and trying to resolve them cost plenty of time on the web (on Google mostly), so I thought of this article as a platform for developers looking to sort out similar issues. There isn't much detail on this topic on the web apart from a couple of Hello World examples from Microsoft on MSDN.
Starting point
OK, without any further talk, I will dig in to the subject.
Hello World
To start off, we'll start with a very simple example; all this will do is call a JavaScript function from VB.NET to display an alert with message 'Hello world'. Similarly, from the HTML pag ......

VB.NET/C# and JavaScript communication

This article is about passing data between VB.NET/C# WinForms and JavaScript.
Before reading further, let me warn you that this article is not about ASP.NET. Concepts covered in the article are applied to Desktop applications.
I was working on a project which required data transfer between my VB.NET WinForms application and the JavaScript (inside an HTML page). Along the way, I hit certain problems, and trying to resolve them cost plenty of time on the web (on Google mostly), so I thought of this article as a platform for developers looking to sort out similar issues. There isn't much detail on this topic on the web apart from a couple of Hello World examples from Microsoft on MSDN.
Starting point
OK, without any further talk, I will dig in to the subject.
Hello World
To start off, we'll start with a very simple example; all this will do is call a JavaScript function from VB.NET to display an alert with message 'Hello world'. Similarly, from the HTML pag ......

VB.NET/C# and JavaScript communication

This article is about passing data between VB.NET/C# WinForms and JavaScript.
Before reading further, let me warn you that this article is not about ASP.NET. Concepts covered in the article are applied to Desktop applications.
I was working on a project which required data transfer between my VB.NET WinForms application and the JavaScript (inside an HTML page). Along the way, I hit certain problems, and trying to resolve them cost plenty of time on the web (on Google mostly), so I thought of this article as a platform for developers looking to sort out similar issues. There isn't much detail on this topic on the web apart from a couple of Hello World examples from Microsoft on MSDN.
Starting point
OK, without any further talk, I will dig in to the subject.
Hello World
To start off, we'll start with a very simple example; all this will do is call a JavaScript function from VB.NET to display an alert with message 'Hello world'. Similarly, from the HTML pag ......

在vb中使用Iphlpapi.dll获取网络信息 第一章 前言

※5、原作者:uruseibest ,blog:http://blog.csdn.net/uruseibest;
第一章 前言
Windows 98以上的操作系统在系统目录下都带有iphlpapi.dll这个动态链接库文件,它可以帮助程序员方便地获取计算机网络信息。对于C程序员来说,只要有iphlpapi的头文件,调用iphlpapi.dll是很简单的事,但是对于Vb程序员则是比较困难的问题。本文将就Vb中调用iphlpapi.dll来介绍iphlpapi的使用。
本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/UruseiBest/archive/2006/12/20/1450351.aspx ......
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