
董月青 李建国 张赛
[摘要] 目的 研究高颈段脊髓电刺激对颅脑创伤昏迷的促醒作用。方法 观察1例重型颅脑创伤患者高颈段脊髓电刺激术后清醒时间、脑电图、诱发电及脑血流的变化。结果 患者术后2个月逐渐清醒,脑电图逐渐转为正常a节律,诱发电位潜伏期延长逐渐改善,脑血流明显增加。结论 高颈段脊髓电刺激可能通过增加脑血流、恢复正常的神经电生理活动促醒颅脑创伤昏迷患者。
[关键词] 颅脑创伤;脊髓电刺激;脑电图;诱发电位
Awoking effects of high cervical spinal cord stimulation on patient with traumatic brain injury and review of literature  DONG Yue-qing, LI Jian-guo, ZHANG Sai. Department of Neurosurgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300162, China.
Corresponding auther: ZHANG Sai, Email:zhangsai718@yahoo.com
 [Abstract]  Objective  To study the awoking effect of high cervical spinal cord stimulation on comatose patients with traumatic brain injury. Methods This study investigated recovery time, electroencephalogram (EEG), evoked patentials, cerebral blood perfusion after cervical spinal cord stimulation in a comatose patient. Results  The patient emerged form coma at 2...

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