Why should there be blood blood fine fine?
Pure, pure reason blood blood, blood, blood fine cases pure symptoms, why is this happening blood fine? So-called pure blood, simply means naked eye or microscope can be observed, to appear for the main show of hemorrhagic semen sickness. Normal semen color for ivory or sets, when semen after mixed in with the blood will be blood-red, pink or reddish brown. May also semen on the exterior didn\'t apparently unusual, but the number of microscopic ranging from red blood, this is also called pure.前列腺增生?
刘先生 [化名] 正值壮年,一向身体健康,在几个星期前的一次同房中发现精液中带血,但除此之外没有其他任何症状。到医院泌尿外科就诊,医生初步认为是原发性,嘱其回家注意休息,观察血精的变化,过一段时间再复诊。现在症状大有好转,加上没有其他什么特别的不舒服,所以也没把这事放在心上。
Mr. Liu [alias] new thirties, always healthy body, a few weeks ago in her blood found semen, but beyond that no other symptoms. To hospital ur...
Why should there be blood blood fine fine?
Pure, pure reason blood blood, blood, blood fine cases pure symptoms, why is this happening blood fine? So-called pure blood, simply means naked eye or microscope can be observed, to appear for the main show of hemorrhagic semen sickness. Normal semen color for ivory or sets, when semen after mixed in with the blood will be blood-red, pink or reddish brown. May also semen on the exterior didn\'t apparently unusual, but the number of microscopic ranging from red blood, this is also called pure.前列腺增生?
刘先生 [化名] 正值壮年,一向身体健康,在几个星期前的一次同房中发现精液中带血,但除此之外没有其他任何症状。到医院泌尿外科就诊,医生初步认为是原发性,嘱其回家注意休息,观察血精的变化,过一段时间再复诊。现在症状大有好转,加上没有其他什么特别的不舒服,所以也没把这事放在心上。
Mr. Liu [alias] new thirties, always healthy body, a few weeks ago in her blood found semen, but beyond that no other symptoms. To hospital ur...
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