

Close a Database
When you close a database, Oracle writes all database data and recovery data in the SGA to the datafiles and redo log files, respectively. Next, Oracle closes all online datafiles and redo log files. (Any offline datafiles of any offline tablespaces have been closed already. If you subsequently reopen the database, any tablespace that was offline and its datafiles remain offline and closed, respectively.) At this point, the database is closed and inaccessible for normal operations. The control files remain open after a database is closed but still mounted.
Close the Database by Terminating the Instance
In rare emergency situations, you can terminate the instance of an open database to close and completely shut down the database instantaneously. This process is fast, because the operation of writing all data in the buffers of the SGA to the datafiles and redo log files is skipped. The subsequent reopening of the database requires recovery, which Oracle performs automatically.
If a system or power failure occurs while the database is open, then the instance is, in effect, terminated, and recovery is performed when the database is reopened.
Unmount a Database
After the database is closed, Oracle unmounts the database to disassociate it from the instance. At this point, the instance remains in the memory of your computer.
After a database is unmounted, Oracle closes the control files of the database.
Shut Down an Instance
The final step in database shutdown is shutting down the instance. When you shut down an instance, the SGA is removed from memory and the background processes are terminated.
Abnormal Instance Shutdown
In unusual circumstances, shutdown of an instance might not occur cleanly; all memory structures might not be removed from memory or one of the background processes might not be terminated. When remnants of a previous instance exist, a subsequent instance startup most likely will fail. In such situations, the database a


oracle 表空间操作

  3作者:   来源:    更新日期:2006-01-04 
 10DATAFILE '/ora ......


create or replace procedure test(var_name_1 in type,var_name_2 out type) as
--声明变量(变量名 变量类型)
end test;
create or replace procedure test(workDate in Date) is
dbms_output.putline('The input date is: ......

Oracle 坏块 总结

Oracle数据库出现坏块现象是指:在Oracle数据库的一个或多个数据块(一个数据块的容量在创建数据库时由db_block_size参数指定,缺省为8K)内出现内容混乱的现象。由于正常的数据块都有固定的合法内容格式,坏块的出现,导致数据库进程无法正常解析数据块的内容,进而使数据库进程报错乃至挂起,并级联导致整个数据库实例� ......

oracle SQL命令大全

delete 删除一张大表时空间不释放,非常慢是因为占用大量的系统资源,支持回退操作,空间还被这张表占用着。
truncate table 表名 (删除表中记录时释放表空间)
DML 语句:
表级共享锁: 对于操作一张表中的不同记录时,互不影响
行级排它锁:对于一行记录,oracle 会只允许只有一个用户对它在同一时间进行修改操作 ......


SQL> desc v$session;
 名称                             &n ......
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