ORACLE ͳ¼ÆÕý¸º¸öÊýsql
select ss.*,
sum(ss.aa) over (partition by ss.zsid order by ss.zsid) as fu,
sum( over (partition by ss.zsid order by ss.zsid) as zheng
select m.zsid,
sum(n.f0004_028n) over(partition by m.zsid) n011,
sum(n.f0004_029n) over(partition by m.zsid) n012,
sum(n.f0004_030n) over(partition by m.zsid) n013,
sum(n.f0004_031n) over(partition by m.zsid) n014,
sum(n.f0004_032n) over(partition by m.zsid) n015,
sum(n.f0004_033n) over(partition by m.zsid) n021,
sum(n.f0004_034n) over(partition by m.zsid) n022,
sum(n.f0004_035n) over(partition by m.zsid) n023,
(case when n.f0004_017n>0 then 1 when n.f0004_017n<=0 then 0 end) aa,
(case when n.f0004_017n<=0 then 1 when n.f0004_017n>0 then 0 end) bb
from (select a.f0055_001n zsid,
a.f0055_004v zsbm,
b.f0056_003v code,
b.f0056_004v zsjycs, --Ö¸Êý½»Ò׳¡Ëù
b.f0056_005v zszqlb, --Ö¸Êý֤ȯÀà±ð
c.f0005_005v codezqlb, --³É·Ý¹É֤ȯÀà±ð
c.f0005_007v codejycs --³É·Ý¹É½»Ò׳¡Ëù
extent--×îС¿Õ¼ä·ÖÅ䵥λ --tablespace management
block --×îСi/oµ¥Î» --segment management
create tablespace james
datafile '/export/home/oracle/oradata/james.dbf'
size 100M ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡--³õʼµÄÎļþ´óС¡¡
autoextend On¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ --×Ô¶¯Ôö³¤
next 10M¡ ......
¼ì²éµ±Ê±µÄAWRÐÅÏ¢·¢ÏÖTop 5 Timed EventsÏÔʾÈçÏÂÐÅÏ¢£º
Top 5 Timed Events &nb ......
Just a few days ago a got to two Oracle DBAs discussing why the have so much “PX Deq Credit : send blkd” on a system. And if that is causing their performance problems.
The are some blog on the internet claiming it has to do with qc distribution and what ever.
But in many cases, especi ......
create user gubo identified by gubo;
create user gubo2 identified by gubo;
grant create session to gubo;
grant create session to gubo2;
grant unlimited tablespace to gubo;
--conn gubo