
Python 定时运行脚本

import sys
import os
import datetime
import time
class ArgsDealwith:
    def arg_environment(self, args):
        filepath = ('PYTHON_PATH', 'path')
        for i in filepath:
            filename = os.environ.get(i,"%s is null." % i)
            print '%s:' % i,' ', filename
    def arg_en(self, args):
        filepath = ('PYTHON_PATH', 'path')
        for i in filepath:
            filename = os.environ.get(i,"%s is null." % i)
            print '%s:' % i, ' ', ' '.join(filename.split(';'))
    def arg_file(self, args):
        if not args:
            print 'Error: file name is null.'
            if len(args) == 1 and args[0].lower() == 'python_path':
                filename = os.environ.get(args[0], None)
                if filename:
                    args = filename.split(';')
                    print 'Error: "%s" is null' % args[0]



match    Match a regular expression pattern to the beginning of a string.
search   re.search(pattern, string, flags) flags:re.I re.M re.X re.S re.L re.U
sub      Substitute oc ......

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Python skin is known for its color variations and for its elasticity; it is
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goods. Sometimes natural patterns can be hidden when they're done in black, but
the finish here has a bit of a shine to it ......

Python GUI

1. 事件驱动
    一个事件及其回调的例子是鼠标移动。我们假设鼠标指针停在您GUI 程序的某处。如果鼠标被移到了程序的别处,一定是有什么东西引起了屏幕上指针的移动,从而表现这种位置的转移。系统必须处理这些鼠标移动事件才能展现(并实现)鼠标在窗口上的移动。一旦您释放了鼠标,就不再会有事件需要处 ......

Python 温故而知新

1. 打印变量和变量自显
>>> myString = 'Hello World!'
>>> print myString
Hello World!
>>> myString
'Hello World!'
因为: print 语句调用str()函数显示对象,而交互式解释器则调用repr()函数来显示对象
2. 打印文件
hand ......

python的wiki 列子.

from newtest.wiki.models import WiKi
from django.template import loader, Context
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response

def index(request, pagename=""):
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