

# -*- coding: utf-
from datetime import
from datetime import
from time import
from time import
from datetime import
def getCurDate():  
"Return value of the date"
def getCurTime():  
"Return value of the datetime"
def converDateTimeToStr(cdate,format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    Convert datetime to String  
    cdata parameter must be the datetime or date of  
    Return value of the date string format(%Y-%m-%d)  
    sdate = None  
        sdate = cdate.strftime(format)  
        raise ValueError  
def converDateToDateTime(fdate):  


Python 线程池

import Queue, threading, sys
from threading import Thread
import time,urllib
# working thread
class Worker(Thread):
   worker_count = 0
   def __init__( self, workQueue, resultQueue, timeout = 0, **kwds):
       Thread.__init__( self, **kwds ) ......

eat python 003

Documentation for C's fopen():
r Open text file for reading. The stream is positioned at the beginning
of the file.
r+ Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned at the
beginning of the file.
w Truncate file to zero length or create text file for writing. The
stream is posi ......

深入 GalCon:Python、游戏开发和人工智能

Alex. J. Champandard
赖勇浩(http://laiyonghao.com) 译
AiGameDev.com在这个周一的 pratical insights 是对Phil Hassey采访。Phil 是一个独立游戏开发者,也是游戏产业社区的活跃分子。他曾赢得2006年4月的 Ludum Dare 比赛(这个比赛关注 ......

Python & XML

Chapter 1
Python and XML
Python and XML are two very different animals, each with a rich
history. Python is a full-scale programming language that has grown
from scripting world roots in a very organic way, through the vision
and guidance of Python's inventor, Guido van Rossum. Guido continue ......
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