
Access Code + Fingerprint Door Lock

Double action
and access code security door lock for your home,
office or small business. Get modern biometric security at your entry point with
this standard door handle style double action doorlock.
This is the most secure and convenient method in assuring only authorized people
can access private rooms in your house or office. Anyone needing access to a
room having the CVKJ-J15 installed on the door will have to place their finger
on the fingerprint sensor and/or punch in a passcode to unlock the door. The
beauty of this fingerprint door lock lies in both the security and ease-of-use
it provides. This fingerprint door lock allows for simple keyless entry via
fingerprint ID or PIN code for authorized personnel while preventing
unauthorized room access for everyone else.
What you get with this fingerprint door lock is complete peace of mind with a
guarantee of 21st century security, meaning this lock cannot be picked or
bypassed. If someone is not authorized for access to a room or building, then
they will never be able to gain entry. With its advanced 3D sensor pad with
sliding coverhatch, the CVKJ-J15 can handle all weather conditions, any light
condition, and can never be fooled by fake fingerprints (like molds or photo
reproductions). Making this model the perfect entry security system for all your
important home or small office doors - period!
Since the CVKJ-J15 can be installed on wood or metal doors that are industry
standard 35-50mm thick, it is perfect for almost every home or office style
solid core door. Typical rooms that might need this kind of door entry system
Private Study
Master Bedroom
Executive's Room
Managers Office
Financial Records Room
Computer Room
Home Office
Suite Entry Door
Villa Entry
Mansion Gate
And More ...
When it comes to quality this unit can't be beat. A perfect example of no
compromise Swedish engineering technology coupled with excellence in T



 Private Sub cmdListProperties_Click()
    ListControlProps Me
End Sub
Public Sub ListControlProps(ByRef frm As Form)
    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim prp As Property
    On Error GoTo props_err
    For Each ctl In ......


1,读操作:string str="select * from News where Passed=True";(access)读“是“操作。
string str="select * from News where Passed=False";(access)读“否“操作。
string str="Delete from News wher ......

vmware web access无法访问

ESX的WEB访问默认是关闭的,网上很多文章都说使用chkconfig vmware-webAccess on来让服务自动开启,不过这样操作之后重启机器,WEB访问还是还会出503无法访问错误,ESX不知道为什么会自动把vmware-webAccess 给禁用掉。
cd /etc/init.d
cp vmware-web ......


Visual Basic有着强大的数据库存取能力,不仅能够直接支持Ms Access数据库,而且通过其内部安装的ISAM驱动程序使它能间接支持FoxPro、dBASE等外来数据库。本文不仅从VB数据库体系结构的角度探索了VB对这些外来数据库的支持,还结合了一些实例具体阐述了使用数据库存取对象变量的方法实现这些外来数据库的新建、库结构修改、 ......


打开    OpenDataAccessPage:在页视图或设计视图中打开数据访问页
OpenReport:在设计视图或打印预览视图中打开报表或立即打印该报表 ......
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