
jQuery AJAX的5种实现方式

What is AJAX
This section is for those who have no idea what AJAX is. If you don’t fall into this category, feel free to skip to the next section.
AJAX stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. If you see another term XHR, which is shorthand for XML HTTP request, it’s the same thing. Don’t be afraid of this jargon; AJAX is not rocket science.
In Gmail, switch from inbox to draft. Part of the page is changed, but the page is not refreshed. You remain on the same page. Url has not changed (except for the #draft at the end of the url, but that’s still the same webpage).
In Google Reader, select a feed. The content changes, but you are not redirected to another url.
In Google Maps, zoom in or zoom out. The map has changed, but you remain on the same page.
The key to AJAX’s concept is “asynchronous”. This means something happens to the page after it’s loaded. Traditionally, when a page is loaded, the content remains the same until the user leaves the page. With AJAX, JavaScript grabs new content from the server and makes changes to the current page. This all happena within the lifetime of the page, no refresh or redirection is needed.
Caching AJAX
Now we should know what AJAX actually is. And we know that, when Gmail refreshes some content without redirection, an AJAX call is made behind the scenes. The requested content can either be static (remains exactly the same all the time, such as a contact form or a picture) or dynamic (requests to the same url get different responses, such as Gmail’s inbox where new mails may show up any time).
For static content, we may want the response cached. But for dynamic content, which can change in a second’s time, caching AJAX becomes a bug, right? It should be noted that Internet Explorer always caches AJAX calls, while other browsers behave differently. So we’d better tell the browser explicitly whether or not AJAX should be cached. With jQuery, we can



(一)框架:用jquery+ajax+struts1实现 自动创建行和列
<resultMap class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" id="storeMap">

jQuery ajax中文API及教程资料大全

由美国人John Resig创建,至今已吸引了来自世界各地的众多javascript高手加入其team,包括来自德国的Jörn Zaefferer,罗马尼亚的Stefan Petre等等。
  jQuery是继prototype之后又一个优秀的Javascrīpt框架。其宗旨是——WRITE LESS,DO MORE,写更少的代码,做更多的事情。
  它是轻量级的j ......

如何在 sharepoint里面 使用ajax 和 ajaxtoolkit ?

如何在 sharepoint里面 使用ajax 和 ajaxtoolkit 这个问题我之前去百度和Google个多次!基本上都是说的修改站点下面的配置文件!嘿嘿当然我这里也是修改配置文件!
下面是我在msdn提的问题这个问题! 按照微软里面人员说的步骤配置
http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-CN/partnercndevsharepoint/thread/2d63d004-ef0 ......


Ajax------很多程序员都喜欢玩这个东西,觉得很是高深莫测,而且越是痛苦越钟爱,我发现这是程序员的通病,好像不折磨自己不足以享受这么美好的生活,Ajax很火,确实很火,火到什么程度我已经不大清楚,在当时我学程序的那个年代它甚至超过spring,struts等等主流的框架,天哪微软和SUN都很担心,但是时间证明Ajax仅仅只是个这些程序员 ......

jQuery ajax调用示例

   我在上一篇文章中使用原始javascript的方式构造ajax调用,但从全局看,不仅仅代码的阅读性比较低而且隐藏发生错误的可能,比如在页面加载时就改变dom结构,还要时刻关注浏览器的兼容性,而使用jQuery我们将不存在类似的问题,代码的可读性也显著提高,代码量小,下面是jQuery版本的js部分代码,希望能够对读者 ......
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