
Tip/Trick: Url Rewriting with ASP.NET

People often ask me for guidance on how they can dynamically "re-write" URLs and/or have the ability to publish cleaner URL end-points within their ASP.NET web applications.  This blog post summarizes a few approaches you can take to cleanly map or rewrite URLs with ASP.NET, and have the option to structure the URLs of your application however you want.
Why does URL mapping and rewriting matter?
The most common scenarios where developers want greater flexibility with URLs are:
1) Handling cases where you want to restructure the pages within your web application, and you want to ensure that people who have bookmarked old URLs don't break when you move pages around.  Url-rewriting enables you to transparently forward requests to the new page location without breaking browsers.
2) Improving the search relevancy of pages on your site with search engines like Google, Yahoo and Live.  Specifically, URL Rewriting can often make it easier to embed common keywords into the URLs of the pages on your sites, which can often increase the chance of someone clicking your link.  Moving from using querystring arguments to instead use fully qualified URL's can also in some cases increase your priority in search engine results.  Using techniques that force referring links to use the same case and URL entrypoint (for example: weblogs.asp.net/scottgu instead of weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/default.aspx) can also avoid diluting your pagerank across multiple URLs, and increase your search results.
In a world where search engines increasingly drive traffic to sites, extracting any little improvement in your page ranking can yield very good ROI to your business.  Increasingly this is driving developers to use URL-Rewriting and other SEO (search engine optimization) techniques to optimize sites (note that SEO is a fast moving space, and the recommendations for increasing your search relevancy evolve monthly).  For a list of some good


ASP.NET 生命周期

ASP.NET 生命周期
对于Asp.net页面层开发无论是写页面还是写控件,我觉得都可以用一句话描述:"Do the right thing at the right time in the right place."
本文通过记录页面事件的触发顺序看请求的处理流程,从中可以看出ASP.NET 的生命周期
创建一个网站,在页面上添加一个Label和一个Button,在Default.aspx.cs中修改 ......

asp.net 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例

asp.net 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
1、ViewState 对象为Null。
2、DateSet 空。
8、使用 ......


private static System.Threading.Timer timer;
private const int interval = 1000 * 60 * 20;//检查在线用户的间隔时间
/// <summary>
/// 必需的设计器变量。
/// </summary>
private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
public Global()
Initialize ......
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