
Mix 10 上的asp.net mvc 2的相关Session

Beyond File | New Company: from Cheesy Sample to Social Platform Scott Hanselman in Lagoon L on Monday at 11:30 AM The web has changed and there's a new way of thinking about your applications. You can't just write some HTML and CSS anymore and expect to be the next Twitter. Hear how to make your site socially relevant in the new decade (the '10s?) This session includes everything from Microsoft ASP.NET MVC2, to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and OData, JSON services and blog flair, microformats, and leverage ASP.NET and Microsoft Silverlight to create rich user experiences. Let's stop messing around and start changing the world. Or at least giving Nerds a place to eat dinner. What's New in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 Phil Haack in Mandalay Ballroom D on Tuesday at 11:30 AM Come see and hear about the latest innovations in ASP.NET MVC 2 and the tooling support in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. We introduce you to a range of productivity (and extensibility) enhancements such as template helpers, model validation, and the new "Areas" feature, which enhances the team development of large websites. With template helpers you can get your website up and running for any data entity type without having to create UI. With improved server side validation and brand new client side validation support, your business data model can define the behavior of your application automatically. All this and more! The HaaHa Show: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Security with Haack and Hanselman Scott Hanselman, Phil Haack in Mandalay Ballroom D on Tuesday at 1:30 PM Join Phil Haack and Scott Hanselman for this dynamic and unusual security session. The HaaHa brothers take turns implementing features on an ASP.NET MVC website. Scott writes a feature, and Phil exploits it and hacks into the system. We analyze and discuss the exploits live on stage and then close them one by one. Learn about XSS, CSRF, JSON Hijacking and more.


asp.net 制作安装包并自动安装SQL数据库

  1.   在“文件”菜单上指向“添加项目”,然后选择“新建项目”。    
  2.   在“添加新项目”对话框中,选择“项目类型”窗格中的“安装和部署项目”,然后选择“模板”窗格 ......


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="图片滑动.aspx.cs" Inherits="ASP.net.图片滑动" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />


<globalization requestEncoding="gb2312" responseEncoding="gb2312" culture="zh-CN" fileEncoding="gb2312" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"&g ......

google suggest 下拉菜单(asp.net/jQuery版本)

 $(function() {
var k = -1;
//给查询文本框绑定click keyup事件,进行这两个事件,自动查询数据
$("#FrmChangshang").bind('click keyup', function(event) {
var keyc = event ......

asp.net 中 request 与 context.request有什么区别?

Request 属性提供对 HttpRequest 类的属性和方法的编程访问。由于 ASP.NET 页包含对 System.Web 命名空间(含有 HttpContext 类)的默认引用,因此在 .aspx 页上可以引用 HttpContext 的成员,而不需要对 HttpContext 的完全限定类引用。例如,可只使用 Request.Browser 获取客户端浏览器的功能。但是,如果要从 ASP.NET 代 ......
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