

"In fact, in Linux we did try C++ once already, back in 1992. It sucks. Trust me - writing kernel code in C++ is a BLOODY STUPID IDEA.
"The fact is, C++ compilers are not trustworthy. They were even worse in 1992, but some fundamental facts haven't changed: 1) the whole C++ exception handling thing is fundamentally broken. It's _especially_ broken for kernels. 2) any compiler or language that likes to hide things like memory allocations behind your back just isn't a good choice for a kernel. 3) you can write object-oriented code (useful for filesystems etc) in C, _without_ the crap that is C++."


Ubuntu Linux入门到精通

  本书全面介绍了Ubuntu Linux的相关知识,内容详实,论述清晰。主要内容包括Ubuntu介绍、文件系统管理、进程管理、压缩与查询系统、Shell应用、TCP/IP基础、网络管理、网络硬盘以及加密安全通信等内容。
  本书是一本理论与实践并重的书籍,可作为专业人员的参考书籍,也适合于对Ubuntu ......

linux fork() 函数实例详解

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main ()
  pid_t pid; pid=fork();
  if (pid < 0)
    printf("error in fork!");
  else if (pid == 0)
    printf("i ......

linux fork()函数学习

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    pid_t pid;
    static int n = 0;
    printf("fork!\n"); /*printf("fork!")*/
    switch (pid = fork())
 &nbs ......


  1. man 对你熟悉或不熟悉的命令提供帮助解释 eg:man ls 就可以查看ls相关的用法 注:按q键或者ctrl+c退出,在linux下可以使用ctrl+c终止当前程序运行。 2. ls 查看目录或者文件的属*,列举出任一目录下面的文件 eg: ls /usr/man ls -l a.d表示目录(directory),如果是一个"-"表示是文件,如果是l则表示 ......
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