The meaning of the c in calloc
The meaning of the c in calloc was vividly discussed in comp.lang.c in October 2000 (see here), with both clear (because, unlike malloc, calloc clears the memory it returns) and count (because, unlike malloc, calloc is passed a count of elements to allocate) suggested as possible explanations, however without real evidence for either. Other suggestions were (along with several less serious ones) contiguous, core, commit, chunk, and character, the latter because in early versions of K&R C, calloc was the only allocation function in the library (and had an accompanying cfree). For the same reason, it was even suggested that the c simply stand for the C programming language. So, the etymology of calloc still isn't proven, and if anybody has any definite evidence as to its meaning, I'd highly appreciate learning about it.
Visual C++:Windows平台上最流行的编译器,和VS集成的很好,编译效率和编译后的代码效率都不错,但是,除了比较好用之外,好象没有特别突出的...而且,支持的硬件平台好象只有X86的...
GCC/G++:开源的,Linux/Unix平台上的首选,而且支持N中硬件平台,如果想进行跨平台编译的话,这 ......
1、int 4字节
long 8字节
float 4字节
double 8字节
long double 16字节
char c;
c = 'a'; c = '\034' ......
viki 2010.1.25 制作 程序里的答案为Y
接着程序会将这串数组的行 ......
int * ptr = (int *)mal ......