²Ù×÷ϵͳѧϰ±Ê¼Ç(14) CºÍ»ã±àÏ໥µ÷ÓÃ
; ±àÒëÁ´½Ó·½·¨
; (ld µÄ‘-s’Ñ¡ÏîÒâΪ“strip all”)
; gcc -c not link
; [root@XXX XXX]# nasm -f elf foo.asm -o foo.o
; [root@XXX XXX]# gcc -c bar.c -o bar.o
; [root@XXX XXX]# ld -s foo.o bar.o -o foobar
; [root@XXX XXX]# ./foobar
; the 2nd one
; [root@XXX XXX]#
extern choose ; int choose(int a, int b);
[section .data] ; Êý¾ÝÔÚ´Ë
num1st dd 3
num2nd dd 4
[section .text] ; ´úÂëÔÚ´Ë
global _start ; ÎÒÃDZØÐëµ¼³ö _start Õâ¸öÈë¿Ú£¬ÒÔ±ãÈÃÁ´½ÓÆ÷ʶ±ð¡£
global myprint ; µ¼³öÕâ¸öº¯ÊýΪÁËÈà bar.c ʹÓÃ
push num2nd ; ©·
push num1st ; ©§
call choose ; ©Ç choose(num1st, num2nd);
add esp, 4 ; ©¿
mov ebx, 0
mov eax, 1 ; sys_exit
int 0x80 ; ϵͳµ÷ÓÃ
; void myprint(char* msg, int len)
mov edx, [esp + 8] ; len
mov ecx, [esp + 4] ; msg
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
int 0x80 ; ϵͳµ÷ÓÃ
void myprint(char* msg, int len);
int choose(int a, int b)
if(a >= b){
myprint("the 1st one\n", 13);
myprint("the 2nd one\n", 13);
return 0;
[root@localhost testc]# nasm -f elf foo.asm -o foo.o
[root@localhost testc]# gcc -c bar.c -o bar.o
[root@localhost testc]# ld -s foo.o bar.o -o foobar
[root@localhost testc]# ./foobar
the 2nd one
[root@localhost testc]#
±¾ÎÄÀ´Ô´ÓÚ ×Ô¼º¶¯ÊÖд²Ù×÷ϵͳ
1¡¢http://snippets.dzone.com/tag/c/ --ÊýÒÔǧ¼Æ ......
pid_t pid=fork()
it has 3 situation for the return result pid
0 child
>0 parent process
<0 fork fail
fork create a new process and it parent live alse when the child process had been created ......
With the appearance of higher speeds and more DSP macrocells in low-cost FPGAs, more and more design teams are seeing the configurable chips not as glue but as a way to accelerate the inner loops of numerical algorithms, either in conjun ......
void adder(int a, int b, int *sum)
*sum = a + b;
HLS¹¤¾ß£¨AutoPilot£©×ÛºÏÖ®ºóµÄ½á¹ ......
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
typedef struct _INTTEST
int a;
int main()
inttest* p=new inttest[3];
cou ......