
Linux C + + Training

Linux C + + Training
1, Linux Operating System
System Environment: Ubuntu GNU / Linux, RedHat Linux AS5,
Course Requirements: proficient use of commonly used Linux
/ UNIX commands.
Time: 1 week.
2, Linux C + + development environment to build, develop
the use of tools
Related content: vi, GCC, GDB, Make, CVS, Subversion,
Eclipse CDT
Course requirements:
Skilled use of vi text
Skilled use of GCC tool chain for compiling, debugging,
build an executable file or shared library / static library;
Skilled preparation of Makefile;
Skilled configuration, using two kinds of CVS and
Subversion version control tool;
Skilled configuration, use the Eclipse CDT development
Time: 1 week
3, C + + language
        C + + is a
multi-paradigm programming language, compared with C, Java, C # language such
as C Department of complex high, but once comprehend the essence of C + +, you
can play a powerful C + + language, the power, in order to enable trainees to
master C + + language programming techniques We
see this part of the program is divided into five parts:
Process-Oriented Programming: Core C + +
Dealing with technology: C + + basics: types and
declarations, pointers and arrays, expressions and statements, functions,
namespaces, exceptions, code files organization
Course requirements: a solid grasp the basic knowledge of
C + +.
Time: 1.5 weeks.
Object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance
and polymorphism (encapsulation, inherit & Polymorphism)
Related to technology: class design, operator overloading,
inheritance and polymorphism.
Course requirements: a
correct understanding of object-oriented concepts, object-oriented way of
thinking and methods of building software, the correct design and use of


实战Linux Bluetooth编程(三) HCI层编程

1. HCI层协议概述:
从图上可以看出,Host Controller Interface(HCI)  就是用来沟通Host和Module。Host通常就是PC, Module则是以各种物理连接形式(USB,serial,pc-card等)连接到PC上的bluetooth Dongle。
在Host这一端:application,SDP,L2cap等协议 ......

linux chown与chgrp 的用法

指令名称 : chown
使用权限 : root
使用方式 :
chown [-cfhvR] [--version] user[:group] file...
说明 : 利用 chown 可以将档案的拥有者加以改变。这个指令只有是由系统管理者(root)所使用,一般使用者没有权限可以改变别人的档案拥有者,也没有权限可以自己的档案拥有者改设为别人。只有系统管理者(root)才有这样 ......


网上有些帖子说XFS不用做碎片整理,其实是错误的。XFS用延迟写入等技术确实可以减少碎片的出现,但是如果服务器用了几年,并且文件操作比较频繁,还是会出现碎片的,应该整理。注意:在Debian中XFS相关命令在xfsprogs包中,而xfs_fsr命令是在xfsdump包中的。所以要用xfs_fsr整理碎片,记得安装xfsdu ......


      本来想先写系统安装,然后环境配置, ......

linux C 读取目录文件并统计文件数

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 1024
int get_file_count(char *root)
 DIR *dir;
 struct dirent * ptr;
 int total = 0;
 char path[MAX];
 dir = opendir(root ......
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