Linux C + + Training
Linux C + + Training
1, Linux Operating System
System Environment: Ubuntu GNU / Linux, RedHat Linux AS5,
Course Requirements: proficient use of commonly used Linux
/ UNIX commands.
Time: 1 week.
2, Linux C + + development environment to build, develop
the use of tools
Related content: vi, GCC, GDB, Make, CVS, Subversion,
Eclipse CDT
Course requirements:
Skilled use of vi text
Skilled use of GCC tool chain for compiling, debugging,
build an executable file or shared library / static library;
Skilled preparation of Makefile;
Skilled configuration, using two kinds of CVS and
Subversion version control tool;
Skilled configuration, use the Eclipse CDT development
Time: 1 week
3, C + + language
C + + is a
multi-paradigm programming language, compared with C, Java, C # language such
as C Department of complex high, but once comprehend the essence of C + +, you
can play a powerful C + + language, the power, in order to enable trainees to
master C + + language programming techniques We
see this part of the program is divided into five parts:
Process-Oriented Programming: Core C + +
Dealing with technology: C + + basics: types and
declarations, pointers and arrays, expressions and statements, functions,
namespaces, exceptions, code files organization
Course requirements: a solid grasp the basic knowledge of
C + +.
Time: 1.5 weeks.
Object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance
and polymorphism (encapsulation, inherit & Polymorphism)
Related to technology: class design, operator overloading,
inheritance and polymorphism.
Course requirements: a
correct understanding of object-oriented concepts, object-oriented way of
thinking and methods of building software, the correct design and use of
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#ifdef XP_UNIX
* Set up the plugin function table that Netscape will use to
* call us. Netscape needs to know about our version and size
* and have a UniversalProcPointer for every function we
* implement.
pluginFuncs->version = (NP_VERSION_MAJOR << 8) + NP_VERSION_MINOR;
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02 run_init_process(execute_command);
04 run_init_process("/sbin/init");
05 run_init_process("/etc/init");
06 run_init_process("/bin/init");
07 run_init_process("/ ......
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