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C#ÓëFlash½»»¥ £¨×ª×ÔСÀÚÔÚÏߣ©
´ò¿ªVS2005-¹¤¾ß-Ñ¡Ôñ¹¤¾ßÏäÏî-COM×é¼þ-Ñ¡ÔñShockwave Flash Object-È·¶¨
c# ×¢²á¿Ø¼þ-ÔÚÔËÐÐÊä ......
private static int level=0
public static int FindGUILike(ref int hWndArray,int hWndStart,ref string windowText,ref string className,ref string parentText)
int hwnd=0;
int r=0;
StringBuilder sWindowText=new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sClassname=new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sParentT ......
Foreach £º
int[] nArray = new int[100];
// Use "foreach" to loop array
foreach( int i in nArray )
int[,] nVisited = new int[8,8];
// Use "for" to loop two-dimension array
for( int i = 0; i ......
public struct POINTAPI
public int x;
public int y;
public static void GetWindowfromPoint(ref int hwnd,ref StringBuilder winText,ref StringBuilder clsName,ref StringBuilder pText)
int parentHandle=0;
int maxLen=128;
POINTAPI pnt = new ......