
Delphi in a Unicode World Part I

Delphi in a Unicode World Part I: What is Unicode, Why do you need
it, and How do you work with it in Delphi?
By: Nick
Abstract: This article discusses Unicode, how Delphi developers
can benefit from using Unicode, and how Unicode will be implemented in Delphi
The Internet has broken down geographical barriers that enable world-wide
software distribution. As a result, applications can no longer live in a purely
ANSI-based environment. The world has embraced Unicode as the standard means of
transferring text and data. Since it provides support for virtually any writing
system in the world, Unicode text is now the norm throughout the global
technological ecosystem.
    What is Unicode?
Unicode is a character
encoding scheme that allows virtually all alphabets to be encoded into a single
character set. Unicode allows computers to manage and represent text most of the
world’s writing systems. Unicode is managed by The Unicode Consortium and codified in a standard.
More simply put, Unicode is a system for enabling everyone to use each other’s
alphabets. Heck, there is even a Unicode version of
This series of articles isn’t meant to give you a full rundown of exactly
what Unicode is and how it works; instead it is meant to get you going on using
Unicode within Delphi 2009. If you want a good overview of Unicode, Joel Spolsky
has a great article entitled “The Absolute Minimum
Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and
Character Sets (No Excuses!)” which is highly recommended reading. As Joel
clearly points out “IT’S NOT THAT HARD”. This article, Part I of III, will
discuss why Unicode is important, and how Delphi will implement the new UnicodeString type.
    Why Unicode?
Among the many new features found in De


delphi code

{ 防止刷新时闪烁的终极解决办法(对付双缓冲无效时) }
Perform($000B, 0, 0); //锁屏幕 防止闪烁
// 做一些会发生严重闪烁的事情..
Perform($000B, 1, 0);
RedrawWindow(Handle, nil, ......

delphi 生成xml 方法 与 delphi txt文件操作

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
xmlstr,FileName: String;
f: Textfile;
xmlStr := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>';
xmlstr := xmlstr + '<user><name>张三</name><sex>男</sex></user>';
sh ......

Delphi 关键字详解

Delphi 关键字详解---absolute//它使得你能够创建一个新变量, 并且该变量的起始地址与另一个变量相同.
Str: string[32];
StrLen: Byte absolute Str;
//由于字符串的第0个位置保存了字符串的长度, 所以StrLen的值即字符串长度.
Str := 'abc';
Edit ......

delphi dll 实例 与 dll窗体实例

delphi dll 实例 与 dll窗体实例
Library Project1;
  dllUnit1 in 'dllUnit1.pas' {Form1};
function Min(X, Y: Integer): Integer; export;
if X < Y then Min := X else Min := Y;
function Max(X, Y: Integer): ......

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delphi 注册 com 对象的方法
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
 Sd: TSecurityDescriptor;
   InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@Sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
    SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@Sd, true, Nil, false);
    RegSe ......
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