
TI Flash and Boot Utilities

TI Flash and Boot Utilities
Serial Boot and Flash Loading
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Serial Boot and Flash
Loading Utility
TI Flash and Boot Utilities
These packages (currently available for the DM35x, DM644x, and DM646x)
contain a set of utilities, some for running under CCS on Windows, and others
for running from the command-line on both Windows and Linux. In these second set
of utilities are applications for flashing the NOR and NAND (and in the future
SD cards, SPI FLash/EEPROM, I2C EEPROM) of the EVMs via the serial port. All
source is included for users who wish to adapt the applications to their own
custom platform. The entire project is released under the GPLv2 license.
The Serial Flashing Host Utility (which offers the same functionality as a
previous program called DVFlasher) executable is called
sfh_<DEVICENAME>.exe, where device name is DM35x, DM644x, or DM646x.
The Serial Loading Host Utility (which offers the same functionality as a
previous program called DVLoader) executable is called
slh_<DEVICENAME>.exe, where device name is DM35x, DM644x, or DM646x.
These programs each encapsulate a distinct binary UBL which is transferred
via the UART. This implies that the chip must be operating in the UART boot
mode, showing the BOOTME prompt.
NOTE: The assumption is made that the UART of the device operates at 115200,
8N1. If the oscillator used with the device does not match the one used on the
EVM (e.g. on a custom platform), the baud rate assumption may be incorrect.
The binary UBL in the case of the Serial Flasher program is known as the
Serial Flasher Target, or sft. The binary UBL in the case of the Serial Loader
program is the Serial Loader Target, or slt. The code for these is present in
the directories of the same name.
Other alternatives for RBL UBL and host programs are
also available.
- Under Windows -



  我07年.11月-09年.10月年在一家会议公司做平面,工作量小,没什么创意可言,偶尔设计下,平时套套现成的 模板,做几个简单的条幅,剩下的时间就是接电话,网上看看新闻,感觉这样下去,不是个办法。本来09年就想 换工作,刚好金融危机,裁员的很多,就打消了 ......

Flash的层叠顺序问题(z index)

因为默认情况下在网页中添加的Flash在浏览器中是以窗口模式 ......

关于Nand Flash和Nor Flash的XIP

"NOR的特点是芯片内执行(XIP, eXecute In Place),这样应用程序可以直接在flash闪存内运行,不必再把代码读到系统RAM中。NOR的传输效率很高,在1~4MB的小容量时具有很高的成本效益,但是很低的写入和擦除速度大大影响了它的性能。
XIP - eXecute In Place,中文常译为,就地执行。指代码可以在当前(存储器中)执行
关于 ......


Fla ......

flash网站计数器 基于sharedObject

其实这不难想 ,我们需要利用类似 cookie的东西   
flash 里就是 SharedObject  
多次刷新页面进行测试demo :  
     http://56589.5c5 ......
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