

Adobe Flex 3 - adobe.com
Adobe Flex Sample Applications - adobe.com
Video Training (Learn Flex in a Week) - adobe.com
RSS Feeds (Get regular updates about Flex) - adobe.com
Learn about Flex Open Source - adobe.com
Get Flex 3 SDK - adobe.com
Get Flex Builder 3 - adobe.com
BlazeDS (The server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology) - adobe.com
Flex Samples - flex.org
Viewing a Flex application’s generated source code - blog.flexexamples.com
Flex 2 Custom Preloaders - onflex.org
Disabling user input in a Flex Application - blog.flexexamples.com
Cairngorm 2 (for Flex 2) – Simple Sample Applications - weblogs.macromedia.com
Great Flex Samples with Christophe’s Salesbuilder Application - riapedia.com
Need a ColdFusion Based FLEX Application Example - mail-archive.com
Building database-driven Flex applications without writing (Client- or server-side) code - coenraets.org
FLEX Applications Showcase Gallery - flexexamples.blogspot.com
Help with simple Flex application example - groups.google.com
IFBIN: free and open source Flex examples - asfusion.com
Components (Tree/ComboBox) and State/Transitions questions - bfaig.org
Why choose yFiles FLEX? - yworks.com
9 Flex File Upload Examples Visited - flex888.com
Programming Flex 3: Chapter 20, Embedding Flex Applications in a Browser - digitalmedia.oreilly.com
How to set up a Flex application in FlashDevelop - tanguay.info
Flex 2: Rich Internet Applications in a Flash! - sitepoint.com
ColdFusion Flex 2 Sample Application - forta.com
Realtime, life Example of Flex application - justskins.com
Bringing data into Flex applications - introduction - cornelcreanga.com
Flex 3:Applications - labs.adobe.com
Tour De Flex Application - insideria.com
Developing .NET class - themidnightcoders.com
Yahoo Maps Collaboration using Flex and BlazeDS - coenraets.org
Integrating Flex into Ajax appl


Àí½â flex component

component¾ÍÊÇÒ»¸öAS class »òÕßÊÇMXML componentÎļþÔÚmanifestÎļþÖÐÓ³ÉäµÄ±êÇ©.·Ö¿ÉÊӺͲ»¿ÉÊÓ
¿ÉÊÓ»¯component°üÀ¨Containers ºÍ UI controls
Containers(Appliction, Panel...)
UI controls(Button, Label)
1.tag attributers
<mx:Application xmln ......

Flex ¿ª·¢ÈëÃÅ

Flex ¿ª·¢ÈëÃÅ
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Áõ Çì (qlcdl@cn.ibm.com), Èí¼þ¹¤³Ìʦ, IBM Èí¼þ¿ª·¢ÖÐÐÄ
2009 Äê 1 ÔÂ 07 ÈÕ
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Flex ×÷Î ......

Flex Timer¶¨Ê±Æ÷µÄÓ¦Óã¨×ª£©

    var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
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create database userdb;
use userdb;
create table userinfo(
id int(10) not null auto_increment,
username varchar(20),
password varchar(20),
primary key(id));
2£¬DBConnection.jav ......
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