
Java Protection

Java Class files contain lots of symbolic information stored in constant pool sector, including all variable names and method names. This symbolic information allows Java decompilers to reconstruct the source code easily. Without protection, anyone could use a Java decompiler to get the Java source code. According to its special characters and threats, there are the following available protection mechanisms in the market to prevent from tamper or piracy.
•    Hardware-based protection
Use smart card or other chip types to embed the Java virtual machine engine in the hardware. The Java Class file will be downloaded into the hardware, and the protected application will call the token to retrieve the output parameters via sending the input parameters, and the Class file will be interpreted and executed internally. The performance and functions of this method will be restricted and impacted by the hardware configuration such as memory space, RAM, CPU, and so on.
•    Class Isolation (HTTP, Web Service, and RPC)
Developer can place the Class files in the remote server machine to prevent the hacker to analyze the Class file. This method is ideal solution; however its cost and internet speed will impact developer’s decisions.
•    Convert Java Class to Native Local Code
JNI allows developer to write sensitive native methods to enhance the difficulty of analysis by hackers because JNI file is machine code format. It needs developer to write the native local code by other languages.
•    Java Class File Obfuscation
It allows developers to obfuscate (protect) their Java Class files. All symbolic information can be removed or modified.  Traditionally it includes the following types: Lexical Obfuscation, Data Obfuscation, Control Obfuscation, and Prevent Transformation. Although there are many tools available in the market to adopting this method, the security of this method cann


Java 依赖注射规范(JSR

JCP SE/EE 执行委员会
JSR 330
—— Dependency Injection for Java。该规范于 今年 5 月 9 日
由 Google 的 Bob Lee 以及 SpringSource 的 Rod Johnson 作为规范领导提交给 JCP,现在已经正式发布,不得不感叹该规范标准化过程之快。在 最终投票结果中
,14 票通过,1 票未投,1 票反对。
J ......


//Example 1 Tst.java,no main() method
package com.blogchina.qb2049;
public class Tst
static { System.out.println("111111"); }
运行结果为: 111111
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
同样的道理看第二 ......


Calendar time=Calendar.getInstance();
int day=time.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);//本月份的天数 ......


1 网络通信的本质是进程间通信。   
2 Tcp协议和UDP协议
注意:socket是套接字,ip和port(端口号 0~65535个端口,一个端口只能有一个进程)
3,   ......
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