
IBM Java 面试题

1.what is oracle.
2.what is major differenece oracle8i and oracle9i.
4.tell me some thing ur self.
5.please tell me about oops.
6.what is single inheritance.
7.what is multiple inheritance.
8.can java support multiple inheritance.
9.what is interface.
10.what is differenec between abstract class and interface.
11.how to u prove that abstrace class cannot instantiate directly.
12.what is differenece between string and stringbuffer.
13.what is immutable
14.how to write a program using sort program.
15 how to write a program using unsort program.
16.what is legacy.
17.what is legacy api
18.what is legacy interface.
19.what is main difference hashmap and hastable
20.what is main difference between arraylist and vector.
21.what is struts framework.
22.what are distributed techonologies.
23.what is advantage and disadvantage of distributed techonologies.
24.what is main difference between jsp and servlets.
25.what is difference between procedure and functions.
26.what is jdbc.
27.what are type of drivers.
28.what is type 4 driver.
29.how to collect requuirements form u r client.
30.which process use in ur project.
31.what is deployment descriptor.
32.what is heirarchy of files in struts.
33.please draw struts frame wrok.
34.please draw j2ee architecture.
35.please draw mvc-2 architecture.
36.please draw that how design op module.
37.how to find a file on linux.
38.how to configure weblogic8.1 on linux.
39.why you use struts framework in ur project.
40.what is platfrom independent
41.what is awt and swing.
42.what is heavy wieght components.
43.what is feature of weblgoic8.1.
44.why you choose application server on linux and database server on aix.
45.please tell me about ur project.
46.what is major concepts in oops.
47.why u choose mvc-2 architecture.
48.what is implicit object.
49.how many implicit objects in jsp
50.why choose weblogic8.1 other than any applicationserver.
51.what is water fall model vs sdlc
52.what is us


sql 2005 存储过程分页 java 代码

 create PROCEDURE pagelist
@tablename nvarchar(50),
@fieldname nvarchar(50)='*',         
@pagesize int output,--每页显示记录条数
@currentpage int output,--第几页
@orderid nvarchar(50),--主键排序
@sort int,--排序方式,1表示升序,0表示降序排列 ......

java 执行批处理文件.bat 数据库自动备份

 @echo off
set txt=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
echo %txt%
echo --------------------------------------------------
echo -------------正在执行oracle数据库备份--------------
echo ----- ......

delphi + java 的分布式应用

Client + Java Server的系统架构应该是很有市场的,经过一段时间的实际项目实践,实现架构是这么实现的,供讨论:
1.后台应用服务层可采用基于Spring+Hibernate的轻量级J2EE实现,并使用Apache XML-RPC
2.前台采用 Delphi


String mysql="mysqldump -uroot -proot  --opt databasename > d:/test.sql";    
java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c "+mysql);   
String mysql="mysqladmin -uroot -proot create databasename";    
java.lang.Runt ......


from Rxtx
This page is for general content regarding the use of rxtx. Feel free to add your own content.
Using RXTX In Eclipse
Deploying JAVA with RXTX
I wrote an app several months ago using javax.comm on windows. Sun has left me high and dry. rxtx help!
download ftp://ftp.qbang.org/pub/rx ......
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