9 Reasons Why Java EE 6 Will Save Real Money
1.Prototyping: in general (Enterprise) Java projects start with evaluation which frameworks to use. This can take from few hours, to several months (although these times are hopefully over). Java EE 6 comes with “one stop shopping”. You can download Java EE 6 with the IDE (eclipse, netbeans, jdeveloper and commercial IntelliJ) and just start hacking. You can install and develop a prototype in minutes. The package sizes are small e.g. NetBeans 6.8 with Glassfish v3, Derby and all required plugins take 146 MB Eclipse with Glassfish / Java EE tooling is also small: 147 MB for MacOS X.
2.Development: Java EE 6 implementations are lightweight. Glassfish comes with 30 MB for the Web Profile, or 75 MB (everything). Deployment takes only few milliseconds. Incremental deployment is supported out-of-the-box. You only have to save the file. The other application servers (JBoss, Caucho's Resin, Geronimo / openEJB) are expected to be similarly lightweight. Because the majority of the libraries and frameworks is already located on the server, you have only to deploy the application code. The deployment archive contains mainly your application code and is so surprisingly small - a kilobyte deployment is possible.
3.Production: Glassfish, JBoss, Geronimo and probably the others do follow the opensource model. You can decide whether you need commercial support or not. You can start small - then scale.
4.Licensing: Java EE 5/6 applications are surprisingly portable - there are no more vendor specific deployment descriptors required. You can easily port your application from one server to another. It is actually the matter of copying of an WAR / EAR archive from one directory to another. We actually did it in the past to ensure application server independence. These are is possible since Java EE 5 and so 2006. Knowing that, you have a good position to be able to get better offers for licensing / support. You are not dependent on a particular vendor and can pick the most
Java NIO API详解
便,然而,一些对性能要求较高的应用,尤其是服务端应用,往往需要一个更为有效的方式来处理IO。从JDK 1.4起,NIO
API作为一个基于缓冲区,并能提供非阻塞(non-blo ......
public static int total=0;
当total所属类被数次实例化的时候 total只有一个而不是多个
public static int total;
class Single{
Java 2 平台引入了 java.lang.ref 包,其中包括的类可以让您引用对象,而不将它们留在内存中。这些类还提供了与垃圾收集器(garbage collector)之间有限的交互。Peter Haggar 在本文中分析了 SoftReference 、 WeakReference 和 PhantomReference 类的功能和行为,并就这些类的使用给出了一些编程风格上的建议。
当在 Ja ......
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Calculator
public static void main(String[] args)