
Ubuntu Install Java JDK and JRE

Ubuntu Linux Install Sun Java Development Kit ( JDK ) and Java Runtime Environment ( JRE )
by Vivek Gite
How do I install Sun
Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) under
Ubuntu Linux? It appears that there are multiple JRE installed by
default under Ubuntu. How do I select and use Sun JRE only? Can you
explain steps required to set the environment to run java programs or
Ubuntu Linux 7.10 has following packages from Sun:
=> sun-java6-bin
: Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6
=> sun-java6-demo
: Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) 6 demos
=> sun-java6-jdk
: Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) 6
=> sun-java6-jre
: Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6
Install Sun Java 6
Open a shell prompt (terminal) and type the following to install JDK and JRE:
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk
Setup the default Java version
Ubuntu Linux comes with update-java-alternatives utility to updates
all alternatives belonging to one runtime or development kit for the
Java language. To select, Sun's JVM as provided in Ubuntu 7.10, enter:
$ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
You also need to edit a file called /etc/jvm. This file defines the
default system JVM search order. Each JVM should list their JAVA_HOME
compatible directory in this file. The default system JVM is the first
one available from top to bottom. Open /etc/jvm
$ sudo vi /etc/jvm
Make sure /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun is added to the top of JVM list
At the end your file should read as follows:
Save and close the file.
Setup the environment variable
You also need to setup JAVA_HOME and PATH variable. Open your
$HOME/.bash_profile or /etc/profile (system wide) configuration. Open
your .bash_profile file:
$ vi
Append following line:
#set java envir



1.[http://www.javaalmanac.com] – Java¿ª·¢ÕßÄê¼øÒ»ÊéµÄÔÚÏß°æ±¾. ÒªÏë¿ìËٲ鵽ijÖÖJava¼¼ÇɵÄÓ÷¨¼°Ê¾Àý´úÂë, ÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö²»´íµÄÈ¥´¦.
2.[http://www.onjava.com] – O’ReillyµÄJavaÍøÕ¾. ÿÖܶ¼ÓÐÐÂÎÄÕÂ.
3.[http://java.sun.com] – ¹Ù·½µÄJava¿ª·¢ÕßÍøÕ¾ &ndash ......


1. JVMÔËÐл·¾³ÖÐÀ¬»ø¶ÔÏóµÄ¶¨Òå
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2. ¶ÑÄÚ´æ
* ÔÚJVMÆô¶¯Ê±±»´´½¨£»¶ÑÄÚ´æÖÐËù´æ´¢µ ......


Calendar time=Calendar.getInstance();
time.set(Calendar.YEAR,year); //year Ϊ int
int day=time.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);/ ......

Google Maps API in Java ME

Here is a simple library to query Google Maps with the following features:
geocode addresses to their geographic coordinates
retrieve static images with given custom size, format and zoom
To see a live sample of this API, you can check here: Java ME Google Maps API sample MIDlet
[h ......


Ç×°®µÄ Java ÐÂÊÖÃÇ£º
Java Õâ¸öÓïÑÔ£¬ÒѾ­²»ÔÙÊÇÓïÑÔÁË£¬Ëû¹´ÀÕ³öÒ»¸ö¿ª·ÅʽµÄ¿ª·¢»·¾³£¬
»ù±¾ÉÏ java.sum.com ºÜ´ÖÂÔµØ°Ñ Java ·ÖΪÈý¸ö²¿·Ö£º
(1)  J2SE ( Java 2 Standard Edition )
(2)  J2EE ( Java 2 Enterprise Edition )
(3)  J2ME ( Java 2 Micro Edition ) ......
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