java(eclipse)UML工具 umlet
umlet 使用java编写的一款小型uml工具,可以作为eclipse的插件安装,也可以独立运行。
UMLet is a UML tool aimed at providing a fast way of creating UML diagrams. UML elements are modified using text input instead of pop-up dialogs. Elements can be modified and used as templates; this way, users can easily tailor UMLet to their modeling needs. UMLet supports a variety of UML diagram types: class diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, deployment diagrams, activity diagrams -- see some examples.
UMLet allows users to create their own custom UML elements. An element's look can be modified at run-time by changing a few lines of Java code; UMLet then compiles the new element's code on the fly. Without leaving UMLet, users can thus create and add new element types to their diagrams.
UMLet's design goals are also described in this paper and this one. The custom elements' concept is describedhere. Another simple UML tool is Violet.
【51CTO精选译文】在本篇文章中,著名程序员Justin James讨论了Java的未来,以及Java与.NET的开发成本对比,和Java是否能够取代.NET。Justin在文中总结了四大要点,重点关注了两个运行时在性能和成本上的异同之处。
1、Java SE 7遭遇.NET CLR会发生什么?
从Java SE 7的功能列表中可以看出,它相比以前版本有了长足提高。 ......
Java NIO类库Selector机制解析(下)
赵锟 陈皓
五、 迷惑不解 : 为什么要自己消耗资源?
令人不解的是为什么我们的Java的New I/O要设计成这个样子?如果说老的I/O不能多路复用,如下图所示,要开N多的线程去 ......
public static ......
public class OperatExcel
private File file = new File(ParamenterInit.SRCEXCELPATH);
private File outfile = new File(ParamenterInit.DESTEXCELPATH);
private static String sheetName = ParamenterInit.SHEETNAME;
1.八进制转义序列:\ + 1到3位5数字;范围'\000'~'\377'
2.Unicode转义字符:\u + 四个十六进制数字;0~65535
&nbs ......