
如何 使用 java 操纵 XML 文件

Introduction to XML and XML With Java  
If you are looking for sample programs to parse a XML file using DOM/SAX parser or looking for a program to generate a XML file please proceed directly to programs.
This small tutorial introduces you to the basic concepts of XML and using Xerces parser for Java to generate and parse XML.
The intended audience are XML beginners with knowledge of Java.
Last updated:
03 Oct 2005.Modified programs runs in JDK 1.3, JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5. Xerces parser is used with JDK 1.4 and 1.3.
1 Introduction
2 What is XML
3 Advantages of XML
3.1 Readability
3.2 Hierarchical
3.3 Language Independent
3.4 OS independent
4 Uses of XML
4.1 MetaContent
4.2 Messaging
4.3 Database
5 Parsers
5.1 DOM
5.2 SAX
5.3 When to use DOM Parser
5.4 When to use SAX Parser
5.5 Validating And Non Validating
5.6 Well Formedness
6 Programs
6.1 Parsing and Printing
6.1.1 Using DOM
6.1.2 Using SAX
6.2 Generating XML
7 Instructions to run these programs
7.1 Using JDK 1.5
7.2 Using JDK 1.4
7.3 Using JDK 1.3
    This is a gentle introduction to XML and using XML with Java. We see what makes XML tick and the advantages of XML . Also we have programs to show how to use Xerces parser for parsing and printing an XML document, to generate XML from arbitrary data.
These programs have been intentionally kept small to get the point across.
2 What is XML ?
    Extensible Markup Language
XML is text based markup language.
XML is more than html because html only deal with presentation and carries no information about the data itself.
For example
<i> 34 </i>
could mean anything
In XML  we represent it as.



堆栈是一种先进后出的数据结构,只能在一端进行输入或输出数据的操作  Stack类在java.util包中
     public Object push(Object data):向栈中输入数据,实现压栈 ......


向量的数据类型类似一个数组,但它存储的元素数据类型不要求一致   Vector类是在java.util包中
     public void add(Object o):将对象o添加到向量的末尾
     public void add(int index,Object o):将对象o添加到向量的指定位置 ......

JSON Java与AJAX(Jquery)

一、JSON 是什么?
JSON 的全称是JavaScript Object Notation,是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。
JSON 与XML 具有相同的特性,例如易于人编写和阅读,易于机器生成和解析。但是JSON 比
XML 数据传输的有效性要高出很多。JSON 完全独立与编程语言,使用文本格式保存。
JSON 数据有两种结构:
• Name-Value 对构成的集 ......


需要dom4j.jar文件 ,自行下载。 test.xml 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gbk"?>
3: <students>
4: <person sex="男" age="21">
5: <id>1</id>
6: <name>章治鹏</name>
7: <homepage&g ......
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