
7 JavaScript Differences Between Firefox & IE

Although the days of long and tedious code branches to target specific browsers in JavaScript are over, once in a while it's still necessary to do some simple code branching and object detection to ensure that a certain piece of code is working properly on a user's machine. 
In this article, I'll outine 7 areas where Internet Explorer and Firefox differ in JavaScript syntax. In this article, I'll outine 7 areas where Internet Explorer and Firefox differ in JavaScript syntax. 
1. The CSS “float” property 1. The CSS “float” property
The basic syntax for accessing a specific css property for any given object is object.style.property , using camel casing to replace a hyphenated property. For example, to access the background-color property of a The basic syntax for accessing a specific css property for any given object is object.style.property , using camel casing to replace a hyphenated property. For example, to access the background-color property of a
whose ID is “header”, we would use the following syntax: whose ID is “header”, we would use the following syntax: 
document.getElementById( "header" ).style.backgroundColor= "#ccc" ; document.getElementById( "header" ).style.backgroundColor= "#ccc" ; 
But since the word “float” is already reserved for use in JavaScript, we cannot access the “float” property using object.style.float . Here is how we do it in the two browsers: But since the word “float” is already reserved for use in JavaScript, we cannot access the “float” property using object.style.float . Here is how we do it in the two browsers: 
The IE Syntax: The IE Syntax:
document.getElementById( "header" ).style.styleFloat = "left" ; document.getElementById( "header" )



<form     name="form1">  
  <input type="file"     name="file1"     onchange="checkimage
  <script     language="javasc ......



对象是类的实例化后的结果.ja ......

IE与Firefox下javascript getyear年份的兼容性写法

                &nb ......

JavaScript 简单项目应用技巧

    <select onchange="javascript:windwo.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
      & ......


专题 原帖 http://www.w3cgroup.com/article.asp?id=87
此文用通俗的文字介绍了Javascript闭包 。
看过后,我对javascript闭包简单的理解就是 文中第四、五段中所说的“在内存中维持一个变量,不会被GC回收”。
一、什么是闭包? ......
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