

Several programming languages implement a sprintf function, to output a formatted string. It originated from the C programming language, printf function. Its a string manipulation function.
This is limited sprintf Javascript implementation. Function returns a string formatted by the usual printf conventions. See below for more details. You must specify the string and how to format the variables in it. Possible format values:
%% – Returns a percent sign
%b – Binary number
%c – The character according to the ASCII value
%d – Signed decimal number
%f – Floating-point number
%o – Octal number
%s – String
%x – Hexadecimal number (lowercase letters)
%X – Hexadecimal number (uppercase letters)
Additional format values. These are placed between the % and the letter (example %.2f):
+ (Forces both + and – in front of numbers. By default, only negative numbers are marked)
– (Left-justifies the variable value)
0 zero will be used for padding the results to the right string size
[0-9] (Specifies the minimum width held of to the variable value)
.[0-9] (Specifies the number of decimal digits or maximum string length)
If you plan using UTF-8 encoding in your project don’t forget to set the page encoding to UTF-8 (Content-Type meta tag), and use Javascript UTF-8 utility found on this website.
原文链接: http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-sprintf.html



<form name="a">
<select name="a" size="1" onchange="_sel(this)">
<option value="a">1</option>
<option value="b">2</option>
<option value="c">3</option>
</form&g ......

ADF 中OnClick的JavaScript的支持问题

ADF 11g不再支持Onclick等JavaScript,而是采用<af:clientListener>来实现诸如删除某条记录的提示框。
 function confirmDelete() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?'))
return true;
return false;

<af:commandLink actionListener="# ......


// 下拉列表类
// PubEdition: Version
// ModifyDate: 2009-12-09 9:30:00
// FinishDate: 2009-12-09 9:30:00
// AuthorName: binbin( Mail:pl45@163.com / Tel:13893302154 )
var droplistswap=function(){};
droplistswap.prototype.originalElement=new Array();
// droplistswap.prototype.hidedropl ......

用 JavaScript 实现网页图片等比例缩放

 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // 说明:用 JavaScript 实现网页图片等比例缩放
    // 整理:http://www.CodeBit.cn 
    function DrawImage(ImgD,FitWidth,FitHei ......
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