
JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less

没有按别人的推荐,学什么圣经类的js书,而是随便挑了本《JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less》。
Calling Functions from Tags
One of the benefits of JavaScript is to be able to tie interactivity to elements of the HTML page. One way you can do this is to set up links in HTML that actually trigger calls to JavaScript functions when the link is clicked.
There are two ways to do this:
1. Use the onClick attribute of the a tag to call the function:
<a href=”#” onClick=”functionName()”>Link text</a>
2. Use a javascript: URL in the href attribute of the a tag to call
the function:
<a href=”javascript:functionName()”>Link text</a>
The following task illustrates these two methods of calling a function from a link by creating a function that displays an alert dialog box to the user and then providing two separate links for the user to use to call the function:
1. Open a new HTML document in your preferred HTML or text editor.
2. Create the header of the document with opening and closing head tags:
3. Insert a script block in the header of the document:
<script language=”JavaScript”>
// -->
4. Create a function named hello that takes no arguments:
function hello() {
5. In the function, use the window.alert method to display an alert
dialog box:
6. Create the body of the document with opening and closing body tags.
7. In the final page create two links that call the hello function using
onClick and the javascript: URL techniques so that the final
page looks like Listing 31-1.
<script language=”JavaScript”>
function hello() {
// -->
<a href=”#” onClick=”hello()



                var currItem = listbox.options[currIndex];
                var prevItem = listbox.options[currIndex - 1];
    &n ......

JavaScript去除空格的三种方法 (trim)

其次.这个方法使用了JavaScript 的prototype 属性
下面就来看看这个属性是怎么来用的 ......

Javascript遍历Html Table(包括内容和 属性值)

1: 遍历并输出Table中值
<table id="tb">
</ ......
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