
[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(006)

Identifier Resolution Performance  标识符识别性能
    Identifier resolution isn't free, as in fact no computer operation really is without some sort of performance overhead. The deeper into the execution context's scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it is to access for both reads and writes. Consequently, local variables are always the fastest to access inside of a function, whereas global variables will generally be the slowest (optimizing JavaScript engines are capable of tuning this in certain situations). Keep in mind that global variables always exist in the last variable object of the execution context's scope chain, so they are always the furthest away to resolve. Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show the speed of identifier resolution based on their depth in the scope chain. A depth of 1 indicates a local variable.
Figure 2-4. Identifier resolution for write operations
图2-4  写操作的标识符识别速度
Figure 2-5. Identifier resolution for read operations
图2-5  读操作的标识符识别速度
    The general trend across all browsers is that the deeper into the scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it will be read from or written to. Browsers with optimizing JavaScript engines, such as Chrome and Safari 4, don't have this sort of performance penalty for accessing out-of-scope identifiers, whereas Internet Explorer, Safari 3.2, and others show a more drastic effect. It's worth noting that earlier browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2, had incredibly steep slopes and would no


javascript stuffs

Primitive types
1. undefined, null, boolean, number, string; undefined is derived from null.
e.g. var tmp; typeof tmp == undefined.
e.g. void(javascript:aler(‘x’)) == undefined.
e.g. undefined==null
2. NaN!=NaN isNaN(“123”)==false isNaN(“blue”)==true ......


// 调用页面的刷新方法
     IHTMLWindow2* pWindow;
     IHTMLDocument2*   pDocument; 
     HRESULT hr = GetDHtmlDocument(&pDocument);  
     hr = pDocument->get_pa ......

JavaScript:history.go() 的妙用(转)

  在Web开发中,会遇到从一页(父页)导向另一页(子页),并且要求“返回”父页的情况,在这里如果用ASP.NET提供的 Response.Redirect()方法,往往不会达到理想的效果,例如:返回后,重新加载了页面,无法保存导向子页前的状态,等等,在这里我就介绍 一下如何使用JavaScript中history.go()函数来实现返回 ......


 <script>setTimeout("redirect('<?=$url_forward?>');", <?=$ms?>);</script>
设置分页:$page $pagesize $offset = ($page-1)*$pagesize;
$limit  = "limit $offset,$pagesize" ......


  function testFunc(){}
2.typeof(null)=='object' //true,null可以解释为对象占位符
3.undefined 是声明了变量但未对其初始化时赋予该变量的值,null则用于表示尚未存在的对象。
  alert(nu ......
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