[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(006)
Identifier Resolution Performance 标识符识别性能
Identifier resolution isn't free, as in fact no computer operation really is without some sort of performance overhead. The deeper into the execution context's scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it is to access for both reads and writes. Consequently, local variables are always the fastest to access inside of a function, whereas global variables will generally be the slowest (optimizing JavaScript engines are capable of tuning this in certain situations). Keep in mind that global variables always exist in the last variable object of the execution context's scope chain, so they are always the furthest away to resolve. Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show the speed of identifier resolution based on their depth in the scope chain. A depth of 1 indicates a local variable.
Figure 2-4. Identifier resolution for write operations
图2-4 写操作的标识符识别速度
Figure 2-5. Identifier resolution for read operations
图2-5 读操作的标识符识别速度
The general trend across all browsers is that the deeper into the scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it will be read from or written to. Browsers with optimizing JavaScript engines, such as Chrome and Safari 4, don't have this sort of performance penalty for accessing out-of-scope identifiers, whereas Internet Explorer, Safari 3.2, and others show a more drastic effect. It's worth noting that earlier browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2, had incredibly steep slopes and would no
下面就是我的学习笔记,希望对大家学习这个部分有所帮助。我主要参考了Object-Oriented JavaScript和Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (2nd Edition)这两本书。 ......
最近编写Javascript代码。起初没管那么多。一阵狂写。代码写得差不多了。结果上百K文件几十个。当然 没办法需要压缩了。为了速度。
1、对象结尾 function结尾 最 ......
<script>setTimeout("redirect('<?=$url_forward?>');", <?=$ms?>);</script>
设置分页:$page $pagesize $offset = ($page-1)*$pagesize;
$limit = "limit $offset,$pagesize" ......
* 我在网上看到过很多BASE64的JavaScript算法,都觉得不满意,于是自己写了一个,在这里分享一下。
* 我的代码在质量的效率都较高,没有一些冗余的操作。总体来讲我觉得非常不错。
* 如果大家有什么不懂的地方可以问我。
var BASE64={
* 此变量为编码的 ......
alert(0.02 / 0.1); //0.19999999999999998
alert(1.14 * 100); //113.99999999999999 ;)