
[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(007)

Dynamic Scopes  动态作用域
    Both the with statement and the catch clause of a try-catch statement, as well as a function containing eval_r(), are all considered to be dynamic scopes. A dynamic scope is one that exists only through execution of code and therefore cannot be determined simply by static analysis (looking at the code structure). For example:
function execute(code) {
  function subroutine(){
    return window;
  var w = subroutine();
  //what value is w?
    The execute() function represents a dynamic scope due to the use of eval_r(). The value of w can change based on the value of code. In most cases, w will be equal to the global window object, but consider the following:
execute("var window = {};")
    In this case, eval_r() creates a local window variable in execute(), so w ends up equal to the local window instead of the global. There is no way to know if this is the case until the code is executed, which means the value of the window identifier cannot be predetermined.
    Optimizing JavaScript engines such as Safari's Nitro try to speed up identifier resolution by analyzing the code to determine which variables should be accessible at any given time. These engines try to avoid the traditional scope chain lookup by inde


javascript stuffs

Primitive types
1. undefined, null, boolean, number, string; undefined is derived from null.
e.g. var tmp; typeof tmp == undefined.
e.g. void(javascript:aler(‘x’)) == undefined.
e.g. undefined==null
2. NaN!=NaN isNaN(“123”)==false isNaN(“blue”)==true ......

javascript的history.go( 1)

echo '<script language="javascript">{alert("留言不能为空!");history.go(-1);}</script>';}
echo '<script language="javascript">{alert("留言不能为空!");return true;}</script>';}
这是不刷新页面的方式 ......


1. document.formName.item("itemName") 问题
说明:IE下,可 ......


* 我在网上看到过很多BASE64的JavaScript算法,都觉得不满意,于是自己写了一个,在这里分享一下。
* 我的代码在质量的效率都较高,没有一些冗余的操作。总体来讲我觉得非常不错。
* 如果大家有什么不懂的地方可以问我。
var BASE64={
     * 此变量为编码的 ......
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