
[·­Òë]High Performance JavaScript(014)

Recursion Patterns  µÝ¹éģʽ
    When you run into a call stack size limit, your first step should be to identify any instances of recursion in the code. To that end, there are two recursive patterns to be aware of. The first is the straightforward recursive pattern represented in the factorial() function shown earlier, when a function calls itself. The general pattern is as follows:
function recurse(){
    This pattern is typically easy to identify when errors occur. A second, subtler pattern involves two functions:
function first(){
function second(){
    In this recursion pattern, two functions each call the other, such that an infinite loop is formed. This is the more troubling pattern and a far more difficult one to identify in large code bases.
    Most call stack errors are related to one of these two recursion patterns. A frequent cause of stack overflow is an incorrect terminal condition, so the first step after identifying the pattern is to validate the terminal condition. If the terminal condition is correct, then the algorithm contains too much recursion to safely be run in the browser and should be changed to use iteration, memoization, or both.



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¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ýnew Date(string)µÄ¹¹Ô죬±È½ÏÄêÔÂÈÕ×Ö·ûÊÇ·ñ·¢Éú±ä»¯Åжϡ£
function CheckDate(text) {
if (!text) return false;
text = text.replace(/[\/-]0?/g, "/");
if (!text.match(/^\d{4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}$/)) return true; ......

[·­Òë]High Performance JavaScript(011)

Repaints and Reflows  ÖØ»æºÍÖØÅÅ°æ
    Once the browser has downloaded all the components of a page—HTML markup, JavaScript, CSS, images—it parses through the files and creates two internal data structures:
    µ±ä¯ÀÀÆ÷ÏÂÔØÍêËùÓÐÒ³ÃæHTML±ê¼Ç£¬JavaScri ......

[·­Òë]High Performance JavaScript(012)

µÚËÄÕ  Algorithms and Flow Control  Ëã·¨ºÍÁ÷³Ì¿ØÖÆ
    The overall structure of your code is one of the main determinants as to how fast it will execute. Having a very small amount of code doesn't necessarily mean that it will run quickly, and having a large amount of code ......
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