[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(020)
Yielding with Timers 用定时器让出时间片
Despite your best efforts, there will be times when a JavaScript task cannot be completed in 100 milliseconds or less because of its complexity. In these cases, it's ideal to yield control of the UI thread so that UI updates may occur. Yielding control means stopping JavaScript execution and giving the UI a chance to update itself before continuing to execute the JavaScript. This is where JavaScript timers come into the picture.
Timer Basics 定时器基础
Timers are created in JavaScript using either setTimeout() or setInterval(), and both accept the same arguments: a function to execute and the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before executing it. The setTimeout() function creates a timer that executes just once, whereas the setInterval() function creates a timer that repeats periodically.
The way that timers interact with the UI thread is helpful for breaking up long-running scripts into shorter segments. Calling setTimeout() or setInterval() tells the JavaScript engine to wait a certain amount of time and then add a JavaScript task to the UI queue. For example:
function greeting(){
alert("Hello world!");
我认为闭包就是能够读/写函数内部的某些变量的子函数,并将这些变量保存 ......
可以通过new Date(string)的构造,比较年月日字符是否发生变化判断。
function CheckDate(text) {
if (!text) return false;
text = text.replace(/[\/-]0?/g, "/");
if (!text.match(/^\d{4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}$/)) return true;
AJAX (异步 JavaScript 和 XML) 是个新产生的术语,专为描述JavaScript的两项强大性能.这两项性
能在多年来一直被网络开发者所忽略,直到最近Gmail, Google suggest和google Maps的横空出世才使人
* 无需重新装载整个页面便能向服务器发送请求.
* 对XML文档的解析和处理.
Conditionals 条件表达式
Similar in nature to loops, conditionals determine how execution flows through JavaScript. The traditional argument of whether to use if-else statements or a switch statement applies to JavaScript just as it does to other languages. Since different b ......
第五章 Strings and Regular Expressions 字符串和正则表达式
Practically all JavaScript programs are intimately tied to strings. For example, many applications use Ajax to fetch strings from a server, convert those strings into more easily usable JavaScript objects, and ......