
在linux中出现there are stopped jobs 的解决方法

 Dealing with Stopped Jobs Sometimes when you try to logout, you'll get a message saying there are "stopped jobs". These stopped jobs are programs or processes which have been suspended by a ^Z (Ctrl - Z) command. You have to either make the job active again, or get it running properly in the "background" before you can logout. Stopping a program is useful if you want to temporarily suspend working on one program so you can do something else. To see a list of stopped jobs, type: jobs 
You will see a list of the stopped programs. Here's an example showing a stopped "learn" session: [1] + Stopped learn 
You can kill this stopped job by typing: kill %1 (where %1 is the number of the job to be killed> 
Or you can make the program active again by typing: fg %1 (where %1 is the number of the job) 
 fg stands for foreground. (You are bringing the program from suspended status back to the foreground.) Once brought


实战Linux Bluetooth编程(六) L2CAP编程实例

例一:发送Signaling Packet:
Signaling Command是2个Bluetooth实体之间的L2CAP层命令传输。所以得Signaling Command使用CID 0x0001.
多个Command可以在一个C-frame(control frame)中发送。
 如果要直接发送Signaling Command.需要建立SOCK_RAW类型的L2CAP连接Socket。这样才有机会自己填充Command Code,Identi ......


1.  检查Oracle的进程
$  ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep
  oracle  5998     1  0 11:15:59 ?        0:01 ora_j000_PPRD10
  oracle  2968     1  ......

Linux 线程模型的比较:LinuxThreads 和 NPTL

LinuxThreads 项目最初将多线程的概念引入了 Linux®,但是 LinuxThreads 并不遵守
POSIX 线程标准。尽管更新的 Native POSIX Thread
Library(NPTL)库填补了一些空白,但是这仍然存在一些问题。本文为那些需要将自己的应用程序从 LinuxTh ......

实战 linux蓝牙编程之(八) hci 协议 应用编程实现

  对于hci层的编程 是相当复杂的 功能也是强大的,建议学习者 去读bluez-lib中的hci和sdp
  这里简要介绍 我在开发公司的项目中的 一个小的基础动作. 该编程的过程基本理清了hci和sdp的衔接和应用.希望对学习者有帮助
说明有不到之处,望大家多多研究,不要局限,每个人有自己的方式,也许你的在逻辑算法上比我的好! ......


Linux 串口编程的一些问题解决
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