Linux virtual server【LVS】
1. Two methods to construct the cluster of servers
(1). DNS based load balancing cluster
DNS load balancing is probably the simplest method to build network
service cluster. It uses Domain Name System to distribute requests to
different servers through resolving the domain name to different IP
addresses of servers. When a DNS request comes to the DNS server to
resolve the domain name, the DNS server gives out one of server IP
addresses based on scheduling strategies, such as in round-robin
manner, then subsequent requests from clients using the same local
caching name server are sent to the same server in the specified
time-to-live (TTL) of name resolving.
(2). Dispatcher based load balancing cluster
Dispatcher, also known as load balancer, can be used to distribute
load among servers in a cluster, so that the parallel services of
servers can appear as a virtual service on a single IP address, and
end users interact as if it were a single server without knowing all
servers in clusters. Compared to DNS based load balancing, dispatcher
can schedule requests at fine granularity, such as per connection, for
better load balancing among servers. Failure can be masked when one
server or more fail. Server management is becoming easy, and
administrator can take a server or more in and out of service at any
time, which won't interrupt services to end users.
2. What is virtual server?
Virtual server is a highly scalable and highly available server
built on a cluster of real servers. The architecture of server cluster
is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact with the
cluster system as if it were only a single high-performance virtual
3. How virtual s
最近在研究android的sensor driver,主要是E-compass,其中用到了Linux input子系统.在网上也看了很多这方面的资料,感觉还是这篇分析的比较细致透彻,因此转载一下以便自己学习,同时和大家分享!
(这篇博客主要是以键盘驱动为例的,不过讲解的是Linux Input Subsystem,可以仔细的研究一下!)
键盘驱动将检 ......
好些时候,我们需要一个只要一张软盘就能启动Linux 的系统,比如说做路由器。但是我们该怎样做呢? 也就是说我们要把Kernel和FileSystem都做在一张3.5'的盘上。我们先把FileSystem 分解成如下几个部分吧。
1. /bin目录下的文件
bin目录通 ......
花了几天的时间,终于把系统从近200 MB裁到小于16 MB, 虽然现在看来过程非常简单,对于最初的那点恐惧觉得有点可笑。在这里把主要心得写一下,总结一下心得, 希望可以给相关人员一点参考。
1. 充分了解系统
这有点像废话,但是确实很 ......
1. 在出现 lilo: 提示时键入 linux single 画面显示 lilo: linux single
2. 回车可直接进入linux命令行
3. 用password命令修改密码
二、关于 grub
1. 在出现grub画面时,用上下键选中你平时启动linux的那一项,然后按e键 2. 再次用上下键选中你平时启动linux的那一项(类似于kernel ......
复制文件和目录命令 cp
格式: cp [参数] 源文件或目录 目标文件或目录
- a 该选项通常在拷贝目录时使用。它保留链接、文件属性,并递归地拷贝目录,其作用等于dpR选项的组合。
- d 拷贝时保留链接。
- f 删除已经存在的目标 ......