Linux USB "On The Go" (OTG) on OMAP H2
The new USB "On-The-Go" (OTG) capabilities are not yet widely
understood, or even generally available. The most visible feature of
OTG is that it defines the behavior of intelligent "Dual-Role" USB
devices, such as cameras or wireless handsets, which act either as USB
host or as USB peripheral. That role choice is made each time the
device is used, rather than once when it's designed, giving a
flexibility previously unknown with USB. Using a new kind of USB
connector, OTG lets USB support more "peer to peer" style application
models. You could
Hook a cell phone to a laptop to synchronize schedules, get new audio recordings, or swap other documents;
Print a picture from a camera to a USB printer;
Connect a USB keyboard to your PDA;
Update game data on your portable console over USB.
This document should be useful to developers investigating the use
of Linux to implement OTG-capable products. It presents the USB OTG
support contributed by Texas Instruments for the OMAP
H2 software development platform running an Linux 2.6 kernel. That
builds on the standard Linux USB host and peripheral side driver
frameworks, making small additions as described here. It also includes
drivers implementing OTG support on OMAP platforms.
OMAP H2 Platform
The H2 software development platform includes a Texas Instruments
OMAP 5912/16xx series processor, with an ARM 926TEJ cpu, a DSP, battery
power management, and a wealth of other features often used in cell
phones. USB support includes:
Three integrated USB controllers: OHCI host, USB Device Controller
(UDC), and an OTG controller, all supporting full speed USB (12
"Mini-AB" connector on the H2 sample board. All "dual-role" OTG devices should have exactly one such external USB connector.
External USB OTG transceiver, Philips ISP1301 (controlled over I2C), with an alternate software-visible wiring option.
USB VBUS is hooked up to a TI TPS650
Service Discovery Protocol(SDP)提供一种能力,让应用程序有方法发现哪种服务可用以及这种服务的特性。
服务发现协议(SDP或Bluetooth SDP)在蓝牙协议栈中对蓝牙环境中的应用程序有特殊的含意,发现哪个服务是可用的和确定这些可用服务的特征。SDP定义了bluetooth client发现可用bluetooth server服务和它们的特征的方法。 ......
svn checkout path(path是服务器上的目录)
例如:svn checkout svn://
简写:svn co
svn add file
例如:svn addtest.php(添加test.php)
svn add *.php(添加当前目录下所有的php文件)
1. 先看下面代码:
#include <sys/types.h> //pid_t类型定义
#include <unistd.h> //函数fork() ......
目前,LINUX版本众多,桌面环境包括Gnome,KDE等,在一台电脑上安装Windows系统和多LINUX系统很有必要.这里介绍一种方法,多个LINUX系统之间各自独立,互不访问,各自都能访问Windows资源. ......