linux fedora12 qt4 eclipse
i didn't test.
under fedora12
install qt eclipse when install the operation system
qt version is 4.5.3
eclipse version is 3.5.1
download qt-eclipse-integration-linux.x86<version>.tar.gz
after that
Find your eclipse/plugins folder.
If you installed Eclipse to /usr/local, you will find the directory /usr/local/eclipse/plugins there. If you used the package management system of your Linux distribution to install Eclipse, this directory might possibly be /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins.
Unpack the package.
Go to the location where you found the eclipse/plugins directory (i.e., /usr/local or /usr/lib in the example above) and untar the Qt Eclipse Integration package; e.g.
cd /usr/local
tar xzf ~/Downloads/qt-eclipse-integration-linux.x86-<version>.tar.gz
You may need to be the root user to do this.
Start Eclipse with a clean configuration.
We highly recommended that you start Eclipse once from the command line with
eclipse -clean
after you have unpacked the Qt Eclipse Integration plugins and feature. This will not change anything in your workspace but will clear Eclipse's caches.
you can reference in this website:
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol(L2CAP)
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# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
# mysqladmin -uroot -p password 'newpassword'
Enter pass ......