

For all those who are beginners in any linux(ubuntu) find hard to find the package files of their distro and end up in finding an source package(which is either in tar.gz or .gz).. so now people think how to install these source files…..
lets now see how would you be installing source files in ubuntu…..
source files contain the programs and hence before the installation you need to compile them… so you need to install the build-essentials from the synaptic package manager…. else this build-essentials is already present in the cd.. and so you can install it…..else you can install it typing it in the terminal by
sudo aptitude install build-essential
suppose you have a source file name src.tar.gz, what you do initially is that you need to extract the source files and then in the terminal….
navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted using the cd commands….. and then
type the following…
sudo make install
clean install
lets see what each one of them does…
./configure….. checks whether the required dependencies are available on your system or not….. if not an error is reported….
make compiles the source code and make install is used to install the program in to the location
if it asks for an installation location it is recommended to install all the source to /usr/src
clean install removes any temporary files created in the installation process of the source
and thats it your source file in installed in your system.


实战Linux Bluetooth编程 (七) SDP协议

Service Discovery Protocol(SDP)提供一种能力,让应用程序有方法发现哪种服务可用以及这种服务的特性。
服务发现协议(SDP或Bluetooth SDP)在蓝牙协议栈中对蓝牙环境中的应用程序有特殊的含意,发现哪个服务是可用的和确定这些可用服务的特征。SDP定义了bluetooth client发现可用bluetooth server服务和它们的特征的方法。 ......


最近在研究android的sensor driver,主要是E-compass,其中用到了Linux input子系统.在网上也看了很多这方面的资料,感觉还是这篇分析的比较细致透彻,因此转载一下以便自己学习,同时和大家分享!
(这篇博客主要是以键盘驱动为例的,不过讲解的是Linux Input Subsystem,可以仔细的研究一下!)
键盘驱动将检 ......


在linux里面,fork()一个子进程,结果怎么都杀不掉。由于不是root用户,使用kill -9 pid,也没用。
在ps -awt的时候总是能看到那个子进程。我在子进程里面起了个shell。
在fork()/execve()过程中,假设子进程结束时父进程仍 ......
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