
Linux x86 run time process manipulation

[-- Uninformed Research -- informative information for the uninformed. --]
[-- Genre : Development --]
[-- Name : needle --]
[-- Desc : Linux x86 run-time process manipulation --]
[-- Url : http://www.uninformed.org/ --]
[-- Use : EVILNESS --]
[-- Author : skape (mmiller@hick.org) --]
[-- Date : 01/19/2003 --]
[-- Table of contents: --]
1) Overview
1.1) Topics
1.2) Techniques
1.3) Execution Diversion
2) Memory Allocation
3) Memory Management
4) Library Injection
5) Code Injection
5.1) Forking
5.2) Threading
5.3) Function Trampolines
6) Conclusion
7) References
[-- 1) Overview --]
So, you want to be evil and modify the image of an executing
process? Well, perhaps you've come to the right place. This
document deals strictly with some methodologies used to to
alter process images under Linux. If you're curious about how
to do something similar to the things listed in this document in
Windows, please read the ``References`` section.
[-- 1.1) Topics --]
The following concepts will be discussed in this document as they
relate t



安装环境:VMware Workstation 5.5.0 build-18463
Linux版本:Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (2.6.9-42.EL)
软件版本:MySQL5 - mysql-5.0.37.tar.gz
     Apache2 - httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz
     PHP5 - php-5.2.1.tar.gz
# cd /home/tmp (进入压缩包 ......


        线程(thread)技术早在60年代就被提出,但真正应用多线程到操作系统中去,是在80年代中期,solaris是这方面的佼佼者。传统的Unix也支持线程的概念,但是在一个进程(process)中只允许有一个线程,这样多线程就意味着多进程。现在,多线程技术已经被许 ......


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typedef int (read_proc_t)(char *page, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data);
read_proc_t *proc_read;
    这种定义方法有一个优势就是,即使你没有看到read_proc_t的定义,也能够清楚的知道proc_read是一个指针,如下面 ......
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