Oracle 10g RAC On Linux Using NFS
This article describes the installation of
Oracle 10g release 2 ( RAC on Linux (Oracle Enterprise Linux
4.5) using NFS to provide the shared storage.
Download Software
Operating System Installation
Oracle Installation Prerequisites
Create Shared Disks
Install the Clusterware Software
Install the Database Software
Create a Database using the DBCA
TNS Configuration
Check the Status of the RAC
Direct and Asynchronous I/O
IntroductionNFS is an abbreviation of Network File System, a
platform independent technology created by Sun Microsystems that allows
shared access to files stored on computers via an interface called the
Virtual File System (VFS) that runs on top of TCP/IP. Computers that
share files are considered NFS servers, while those that access shared
files are considered NFS clients. An individual computer can be either
an NFS server, a NFS client or both.
We can use NFS to provide shared storage for a RAC installation. In a
production environment we would expect the NFS server to be a NAS, but
for testing it can just as easily be another server, or even one of the
RAC nodes itself.
To cut costs, this articles uses one of the RAC nodes as the source
of the shared storage. Obviously, this means if that node goes down the
whole database is lost, so it's not a sensible idea to do this if you
are testing high availability. If you have access to a NAS or a third
server you can easily use that for the shared storage, making the whole
solution much more resilient. Whichever route you take, the fundamentals
of the installation are the same.
This article was inspired by the blog postings of Kevin Closson
Download SoftwareDownload the following software.
Enterprise Linux
Oracle 10g ( CRS and DB software
Operating System InstallationThis article uses Oracle Enterprise
Linux 4.5, but it will work equally well on CentOS 4 or Red Hat
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vendorId: 10ec
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