ÔÚLinuxÖÐʹÓÃJava Console
Java Console provides information about the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) version, user home directory, and any error message that occurs
while running an applet or application. You can enable the Java Console
for the Linux platform.
Enabling the Java Console for Linux Platform
Open a terminal windowGo to JRE Installation Directory.
cd /java/jre1.5.0_04 (Change the name of the directory to where you have installed the JRE)Open the Java Control Panel. Type: ./ControlPanelYou can also open the Java Control Panel through your browser. Launch Netscape or Mozilla. Open the ControlPanel.html file which usually is found in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/ directoryIn the Java Control Panel, click the Basic tabSelect Show Console radio buttonClick the Apply button
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Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview
Learn about its anatomy, creation, and use in the Linux boot process
M. Tim Jones
), Consultant Engineer, Emulex
M. Tim Jones is an embedded software architect and the author of GNU/Linux Application Programming
, AI Application Prog ......
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