
MySQL: Connect MySQL GUI tools to WAMP 2.0

Connect MySQL GUI tools to WAMP 2.0 Posted by: Vladislav Sadykov () Date: January 24, 2009 09:31AM Hay, I have a problem with MySQL database. I have installed WAMP 2.0 server on my Windows machine and now I would like to connect it with MySQL GUI tools 5. The problem is that at the startup of MySQL administrator application I get this message: "Either the server service or the configuration file could not be found. Startup variables and service section are therefore disabled." I have tried to install the MySQL GUI tools to the "C:\wamp\bin\mysql" directory but I get still the same message. Maybe I need to modify some of the files to connect MySQL GUI tools to MySQL server but I don't know which one. Can some one help me with this. Re: Connect MySQL GUI tools to WAMP 2.0 Posted by: Ceasar Capuno () Date: January 29, 2009 11:47AM from your MySQL Administrator Authentication window hold on the "ctrl" key to change the cancel button to "skip". Under Service Control Menu select the configure service tab and you'll notice that the directory of your config file is with red font, it means that the config file were not found. Since you are using wamp, you should use WAMP's config file instead of my.cnf and you can find it inside your wamp folder named "wampmanager.conf". Upon correcting the config file directory you should start your wamp server and try to reconnect using your MySQL Administrator. I hope this helps you. Re: Connect MySQL GUI tools to WAMP 2.0 Posted by: james bond () Date: February 19, 2009 01:35AM Ceasar, you make my day. Your suggestion works perfectly Del.icio.us : mysql


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