$funcs = array('imagecreatetruecolor','imagecolorallocate','imagefill','imageline','imagedestroy','imagecolorallocatealpha','imageellipse','imagepng');
//create captcha
$consts = 'cdfgkmnpqrstwxyz23456';
$vowels = 'aek23456789';
for ($x = 0; $x < 6; $x++)
$const[$x] = substr($consts, mt_rand(0,strlen($consts)-1),1);
$vow[$x] = substr($vowels, mt_rand(0,strlen($vowels)-1),1);
$radomstring = $const[0] . $vow[0] .$const[2] . $const[1] . $vow[1] . $const[3] . $vow[3] . $const[4];
$_SESSION['checkcode'] = $string = substr($radomstring,0,4); //only display 4 str
//set up image, the first number is the width and the second is the height
$imageX = strlen($radomstring)*8; //the image width
$imageY = 20; //the image height
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($imageX,$imageY);
//creates two variables to store color
$background = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(180, 250), rand(180, 250), rand(180, 250));
$foregroundArr = array(imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 20), rand(0, 20), rand(0, 20)),
imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 20), rand(0, 10), rand(245, 255)),
imagecolorallocate($im, rand(245, 255), rand(0, 20), rand(0, 10)),
imagecolorallocate($im, rand(245, 255), rand(0, 20), rand(245, 255)));
$foreground2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, rand(20, 100), rand(20, 100), rand(20, 100),80);
$middleground = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(200, 160), rand(200, 160), rand(200, 160));
$middleground2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, rand(180, 140), rand(180, 14