
php socket ä¯ÀÀÆ÷

* patServer
* PHP socket server base class
* Events that can be handled:
*   * onStart
*   * onConnect
*   * onConnectionRefused
*   * onClose
*   * onShutdown
*   * onReceiveData
* @version 1.1
* @author   Stephan Schmidt <schst@php-tools.de>
* @package patServer
class patServer{
* information about the project
* @var array $systemVars
var $systemVars   = array(
    "appName"   => "patServer",
    "appVersion"   => "1.1",
    "author"   => array("Stephan Schmidt <schst@php-tools.de>", )
* port to listen
* @var integer   $port
   var $port   = 63333;
* domain to bind to
* @var string $domain
   var $domain   = "";
* maximum amount of clients
* @var integer $maxClients
   var $maxClients = -1;
* buffer size for socket_read
* @var integer $readBufferSize
   var $readBufferSize   = 128;
* end character for socket_read
* @var integer $readEndCharacter
   var $readEndCharacter = "\n";
* maximum of backlog in queue
* @var integer $maxQueue
   var $maxQueue = 500;
* debug mode
* @var boolean $debug
   var $debug   = true;
* debug mode
* @var string $debugMode
   var $debugMode = "text";
* debug destination (filename or stdout)
* @var string $debugDest
   var $debugDest = "stdout";
* empty array, used for socket_select
* @var array $null
   var $null   = array();
* all file descriptors are stored here
* @var array $clientFD
   var $clientFD = array();
* needed to store client information
* @var array $clientInfo


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1.php Êý¾ÝÀàÐÍ£º¸¡µãÐÍ,×Ö·û´®,ÕûÐÎ,Âß¼­ÐÍ
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ת×Ô£º http://www.phpsoho.com/article/php/200809/09-239.html
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how to install apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux

how to install apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux
This tutorial explains the installation of Apache web server, bundled with PHP and MySQL server on a Linux machine. The tutorial is primarily for SuSE 9.2, 9.3, 10.0 & 10.1 operating systems, but most of the steps ought to be valid for all Linux-lik ......


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